Tightening very private area and other other quetions

Has anyone used or heard of The Tijuana Liposuction Surgery Center? I just spoke with the director and it seems all to good to be true... I guess I should worry? I am wondering if anyone has feed back about or can refer me to a place to get more information on them. The price I was quaoted for: TT, Lift and enlarge (breast)(with lipo), butt tuck/lift with lipo, arm w lipo, thigh w lipo, and very private area tightening... with 4 weeks hotel stay, all meds, etc.. was under 30 grand. Is it possible to do all that boob, butt, tummy ect in a 4 week period? I will be black and blue from head to toe.... I need info on this. Also the very private area tightening.... I know I need lipo on the top outside... due to the FAT there WILL NEVER go away.... once its there, its there (so it has been explained) but this tightening? ummmm... what is that all about? how is tht possible and on top of that.... why does weight gain effect it...(the private area so that it needs tightening in the first place) Now I consider myself in the "know" about most things that have to do with my body and things I am going to have done to it, but this one has me stumped.... Also one more q.... I weight 140 now... I was told that my weight would drop about an average of 32lbs(from plastic surg here in US) with all the post op work... ummm that makes me 108... a little thin dont ya think.. what can I really expect from the weight loss aspect of the above discussed operations? pre-op 347 today (9/19) 140    — bleever (posted on September 19, 2004)

September 19, 2004
I am having my full abdominoplasty paid by insurance, but the price I got for self pay for arms, boobs, fullTT and thighs was about 25 K. I would hate to be away from home for 4 weeks for not that much of savings. I think you should get some quotes from your area plastic surgeons before going ahead. You will not drop 30 lbs in skin. I would be VERY VERY surprised. I have heard that people lose about 10% of what they lost.. for me that would be 18 lbs. I think even that is excessive though.. I weigh 122 now. My plastic surgeon did say that I have no excess fat though.. it is just skin. Take care and I hope it turns out great for you.
   — SarahC

September 19, 2004
First let me say wow!!! Girl you look great at 180. I would like to see what you look like at 140! Congratulations!!! I really don't have an answer to your question but wish you the best of luck and wanted to tell you that your profile was inspiring to me!
   — gerardlovesjoy

September 19, 2004
can you get all that done in 4 weeks; anything is possible.. as far as the private area goes... It does get fat - just like feet - when you loose weight; the majority loose 'shoe' sizes are feet didnt shrink.. just the fat left that area. When I had my TT the doctor "auto" lifted that area up. some doctors dont so its good at least yours is suggesting it. I didnt have to have lipo.. it was just part of my TT and the doctor did a great job.
   — star .

September 19, 2004
Did you say Tijuana??? Whoa girl,don't even think about this place,to do anything. There are good plastic surgeons in Mexico,but not in that place.Stay away from there!!!I know someone who went for a boob job a few years ago and she didn't survive,got a bacterial infection that killed her.
   — KatinPBCA

September 19, 2004
I would stop right now if you are thinking about surgery in Mexico. I am sure there are some reputable doctors in Mexico, but not Tijuana. Like the saying goes, you get what you pay for. After going through the weight loss, you don't want to risk your body being permanently scarred because of a doctors lack of ethics and experience. I have watched too many of the Dr.90210 shows along with Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong to see lots of people coming into Doctor's (if they survived at all) offices in the US to get "fixed". Horrible scarring and disgusting results. Think hard. Paying extra money for your life would be worth every penny.
   — Patricia S.

September 20, 2004
When I had my TT my dr did a pannus lift. Not to sound funny but it looks what i think a normal c**chie should look like.
   — sarah C.

September 20, 2004
I can not answer your question specifically, but I can tell you that yes, it is far cheaper in Mexico. The main reason is the hospital and anesthesiologist costs. I think the docs charge about the same. As far as having surgery in Mexico - I think you should ignore some of these other responses - they are based on fear - not knowledge. For those of us who grew up on this border and have been back and forth our whole lives - the fear and mystique of Mexico is gone. Of course there are bad surgeons in Mexico - just like there are bad sugeons everywhere. The important thing is to find a reputable one and to make sure you are able to do your follow-up care with them. I would not have surgery in Mexico if I did not live on a bordering state where I could drive down for follow-up. I have been to two different offices in Tijuana. I will give you a referral for the one my best friend used for her tummy tuck. The results were great and the surgeon was a task master. He was adamant that she continued to see a nutritionist at his office on a monthly basis because he wanted her more in control. I think that's a good sign. As far as all that surgury at once... I cant think of a good doc who would do all that in such a short time span. Just my opinion. You might want to take another look at that. Best of luck! Kimberly 366/226/?
   — MissKimberly

September 20, 2004
I would be concerned about a doc willing to do that much work at once, especially someplace so far from home (not to mention in Tijuana!). There is a lot of healing that needs to happen. My plastic surgeon would only do more procedures after a year post-op from a first one. Also, I have seen some scary stories on "60 Minutes" about the dangers of out-of-country plastics. Please think twice about this, and get some references from his other patients.<br> Good luck to you.
   — kultgirl

September 20, 2004
Seems like a lot of judgmental people responding to this post. I had my WLS and plastics in Mexico and not only have I been complication free, I have had outstanding results. My PCP says that out of all his gastric bypass patients (I'm the only one who went out of country), I'm doing better than any of them. The surgeon who sees me here after my plastics has been amazed at how great my results have been. So, please don't judge unless you have something concrete to add. YES, there are bad surgeons everywhere but please don't make a judgment solely based on location. My plastic surgeon who does outstanding lipo and TT's, is Eduardo Gongora of the Genesis Clinic in Rosarito Beach. It's not far from Tijuana. The website is Dr. Gongora discounts significantly if you are having multiple procedures. He'll tell you how many he will do at once. Yes, you can get the mons pubis tightened with a TT or LBL. My results are fantastic. This is truly Dr. Gongora's specialty. And, you can get it much, much less than $30,000. WAY LESS! Plus, you don't need to stay 4 weeks. I had LBL, BL, lipo, and Inner Thigh Lift all done in one surgery. If you want information, email me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 20, 2004
Congratulations on your weightloss. As far as your 'puffy muffy' the TT should take care of that. As far as losing 38# that's very doubtful unless they are taking LITERS during liposuction and that is very risky. My PS says no more than 1 liter total per procedure as a rule. That probably won't be what the docs you spoke with will say, but it's safer as you lose a LOT of fluid and blood with lipo done with a suction machine as opposed to done by hand with a syringe and soft catheter. I can't comment on procedures/facilities/docs in Mexico BUT do know that Costa Rica has some of the best medical care in the world including PS. In fact many very high profile people go there for their work. I'd be asking for a lot of statistics from ANY foreign hospital and surgeons. In fact, we need to check out our US facilities and docs just as carefully. Be sure to go where they do many of these procedures and that your surgeon is highly proficient before you let him work on you. References help but no one with a bad outcome will be on his reference list. DN
   — DianeN

September 21, 2004
I actually looked into going out of the country for my plastics, but after researching all the costs involved, I found it was actually about the same here. Recovering at home instead of a strange place and a long plane ride back after surgery would definatley take a toll. Talk to more than one surgeon here. Don't be afraid to negotiate prices. I had a belt lipectomy and it tightended the rivate area nicely. My doc would not do thighs and belt lipectomy together, said wait 6 months for thighs, something about circulation concerns. I did do arms at the same time tho. My out of pocket was $7,500. Insurance covered a couple thousand for skin removal only from my abdomen. So even with out insurance it would have been under $10,000. Would have cost more to go to costa rica.
   — **willow**

September 24, 2004
Hi. The pubic area lift is part of a normal TT (or it should be!) Be sure you see a lot of before and afters from your PS to understand how this works. As for surgery in MEXICO or opinion is based on seeing patients each month here in Houston who have irreversible problems from surgery done out of the country. They are faced with a return visit to a doctor who really does not want to see them, a big bill here to fix something, and a very hard time even finding somebody to do their routine care. (FYI my wife is from La Frontera...the Texas-Mexico border...I have nothing against out friendly neighbors down South) Anyway, you have no insurance coverage in case of problems, no legal recourse in case of complications, an unprotected blood supply in case you need a transfusion, and no hospital regulation. Here's a few interesting links: ****** and ****** You've worked hard to get where you are, don't give your body a "cut-rate" deal (no pun intended!)
   — DrL

September 27, 2004
BTW--- the doc on Dr. 90210 is NOT a board-certified plastic surgeon. Don't know about getting PS in Mexico, but when I have my TT, it will include lifting pubic area.
   — lizinPA

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