What is the difference betweenDiastasis recti and functional incompetence or structural impairment o

Diastasis recti and functional incompetence or structural impairment of anterior abdominal wall? No one has been able to give a clear answer...can anyone out there help? Thanks Kelly    — Kelly S. (posted on May 3, 2004)

May 4, 2004
Sorry, I have no answers for you on this, but---try Google.
   — MsBatt

May 5, 2004
I am not really sure what you are asking. Diastasis recti can cause functional incompetence of the abdominal wall, leading to posture changes and back pain. Try this: (site fot the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.) Click on "medical professionals" and look at the policy statements for abdominoplasty and panniculectomy. Hope this helps.
   — koogy

May 9, 2004
Hi. Diastasis recti is simply widening of the abdomninal wall muscles. It may cause trunk/back problems due to strain, etc. Every woman who has had children has some degree of this. "Impairment" of the abdominal wall means that it does not support the internal organs and assist in trunk support properly. Diastasis this severe is rare. As a reason for insurance approval for abdominoplasty, I have had 0% success.
   — DrL

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