Should I wait until goal (28 more lbs.) before getting a tummy tuck consult?

Hi! I would like to get a tummy tuck around August of this year, but am 28 lbs. from my goal. Since I am going to try to get insurance approval (which could be a lengthy process) and am planning an October wedding, should i start this process now? Should i get a consult done now, or wait until i lose the 28 lbs before i go in? because of the length of time it could take for my insurance to approve me, i wouldn't want to start this process in June, and end up having approval/surgery coincide with my wedding. And of course, i would prefer to have my tummy tuck BEFORE the big day (so i can look my best). What do you think? (Open PROXIMAL Rny, 7/7/03, 227/155/127)    — sweetmana (posted on February 16, 2004)

February 16, 2004
My surgeon that did my RnY said mos. ago I was ready. I still had at least 20 more lbs I wanted to lose. but she reminded me it sometimes takes mos.sometimes to get an appt. so I did it back in aug or so. just had a full ABD plasty Jan 22nd. after words it will be about 6 weeks before you are suppose to lift. so you will have to judge your timeing. you can tell they p.s when you want to have your surgery. I did. I could of got it done in Nov. but my job had asked me to wait till jan and so I did. that gave me more time to lose a few more lbs. I still have 10 more I want to lose. at least. I have blue cross and they approved me in a week. and only approved the trim I paid the extra for the full ABD plasty. some say there ins. will pay the full. doc has to send in pictures and if he has to devolp them, that could take time. also i suggest you see more than one doctor they very in cost and ask to look at other rny pictures. shop around . good luck.
   — Joan W.

February 16, 2004
I think it would be good to do some consults with plastic surgeons now, if only for you to learn that you are unfortunately *not* going to look your best two months after a TT (bummer!!!). The reality is that most people stay swollen for a few months after a TT; I'd venture a guess that almost all are still pretty swollen at two months. It's quite possible you'd need a larger wedding gown, post-TT (if it's two months post), than what you'd wear PRE-TT (seriously).<P>Then, there are drains, compression garments, restrictions on movement, anesthesia "hangover", "etc., that could well make the weeks just before your wedding kinda miserable. If you attempt to run around too early to do too much, you could cause problems with your TT recovery (which is, in some ways, tougher than the RNY to recover from, in terms of full mobility). The skin's gotta reattach, neatly, to all the stuff it was detached from during the TT, and if it doesn't, you risk fluid build-up and poor healing.<P>Another consideration is, you don't really know what "goal" is 'til you've parked there for a good while (stabilized at one weight for several months). This is key, and only taking time to see where you land will tell you what your goal weight is, not some line on a doctor's chart (I thought I knew where my goal weight was; I was wrong).<P>Finally, in my own experience, anyway, I have seen my skin do a great deal of "bouncing back" since I finally parked at goal weight 7-8 months ago. Geez, it looked awful at first, but it's better now. Still could use plastics, for sure, but everyone has remarked I look a lot less gaunt than I did (and my weight hasn't really changed much, so it's the skin looking better). I always exercised and lifted weights, so that's not why it got better. What I would've asked plastic surgeon for a year ago -- when I thought I *was* at my goal -- is a whole heckuva lot different than what I'd ask for now.<P>JMHO (and worth what you paid for it, lol). Have a wonderful wedding, whatever you decide! :-D
   — Suzy C.

February 16, 2004
You should be maintaining your weight for at least 6 mos before choosing plastics. I hope to hold out for 2 years.
   — mrsmyranow

February 16, 2004
I am just at 1 year post-op and reached my goal a few months ago. I remember being around 150 something when my surgeon said i was ready to look into a consult. I am now at 135, below where i thought I would be. I am going for my consult tomorrow. I, also am planning for an August TT, and was told I'd need the time to appeal if necessary. I will be way past 6 months by the time the actual surgery will hopefully take place. My surgeon has also said many times that 6 months at a stable weight is a guide for considering PS. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

February 17, 2004
NO WAY!You really should do it A.S.A.P.!!Because if it takes a couple months to approve, then thats a couple months that you dont have to spend waiting for approval! Thats just my opinion!The soner the better!!!(Plus, it'll make you closer to goal because of the skin removal!)
   — Amy W.

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