How do you know if you have a problem with your diastasis recti muscles?

Is there a website that shows examples of what someone's abdomen looks like so I can compare mine? i have these two bulges (which have shrunk since I lost 65 lbs) on either side of the midline of my abdomen that were never there until about three years ago.    — sweetmana (posted on January 1, 2004)

January 1, 2004
My surgeon tells me this is what I have. I look pregnant but it's all above my belly button. It really looks like an alien. 21 years ago, I had 20 pounds worth of twins and then gained weight quickly after they were born. This is where I believe it happened but because I was super morbidly obese it didn't show up until I lost over 100 pounds. Now as I loose weight, it stays the same, actually, looks bigger as compared to the rest of me. I'm going to start the ball rolling to getting it repaired on Tuesday. I hope the insurance company will pay for it. I have one big bulge. When I lay (lie?) on my back it will disappear all but a fist sized protrudance which I suspect is a true hernia. Hope this helps you, I didn't find a lot of info when I was diagnosed.
   — Sunny S.

January 4, 2004
Hi. Diastasis recti is separation of the abdominal comes naturally from pregnancy, and also weigh gain. This is corerected in an abdominoplasty. Look for the outward curving of the muscles (I call it the parentheses sign) on either side of the belly button...after tightening the muscles, the abdomen should appear more sculpted, the tumy area less protuberant. Here are a few examples: Good luck ! JL
   — DrL

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