I have read that several people have had good luck with Wendy's Chili.

How long did you wait before trying Wendy's Chili?    — Jackie S. (posted on September 25, 2003)

September 25, 2003
I tried it the first time at about 4 weeks post-op. This was a little sooner than what my surgeon recommended, but I mainly just sipped the broth and stayed away from the meat and beans.
   — Carolyn M.

September 25, 2003
I had my first Wendy's chili at 2 wks post-op. Because I was okay to start pureed foods, and my surgeonm considers wendy's chili a pureed food. Also if you don't feel comfortable being able to chew it well, then pop it in the blender for a quick second.
   — baybekmbrly

September 25, 2003
I was about 3 months before I could tolerate it. Once i could I ate it often as it is very filling and yummy.
   — Lesley T.

September 25, 2003
Funny you should ask that. I tried some for lunch today. Ate two bites and got sick. I have eaten Hormel's turkey chili several times with no problems. By the way, I'm 5 weeks out.
   — Denise B.

September 25, 2003
I ate it at about 2 and a half weeks out, but blenderized. I had to pick out the kidney bean skins too , because they were so tough for me, but now at two months I eat it plain... I eat the cheese melted in, and about 1/4 of a small chili and that fills me up.
   — Kelly B.

September 25, 2003
I ate it at 3 wks post-op and blended it for my pureed stage and even put cheese and mustard in it and then I would take a couple bites on and off all day. Wendys chili was the only fast food I ate besides taco bells pinto n cheese. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

September 25, 2003
Wendy's chili was one of my favorties at the pureed stage. I would get a small order and put it in the blender (let it cool down a bit before you put it in the blender, or you'll have one explosive hot chili mess!). It would make two nice meals for me. I've had it only twice since going to regular food, but it's still good, and I've never had any problems with it. Just be careful to chew the meat and beans well if you're not pureeing it first. Lap RNY 4/1/03 290/203/168
   — Vespa R.

September 25, 2003
I am 7 weeks post-op and I tried Wendy's Chili at 3 weeks, What is also good is the baked potatoe with chili and cheese. I know the potatoe has carbs, but at 3 to 6 weeks you do not eat enough to matter.
   — cindy

September 25, 2003
I had Wendy's Chili when I was 16 days post-op and it was great. Couldn't eat much of it - a 99 cent chili made three or four meals. I depends on how your surgeon has you eat after surgery. I started on soft foods at 12 days post op.
   — Patty_Butler

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