I wonder if I am in starvation mode

I had my 12 week checkup yesterday and I am only down >41 I am 5'2" 291 day of surgery. I am not complaining, but I am only getting 650 calories a day and 100 grams of protien and 60 oz of water, and I do try to walk 1/2 hr every day and more some days. My surgeon has me on a 6 meal a day I have 2 oz of cottage cheese at breakfast, then 2 hr later I have a protien drink, (carbsolutions), then lunch beef patty with cheese, the 2 hours later protien drink again, then supper 2 oz of grilled chicken or some type of meat and 1 oz of veggie, and also 8 oz of V8 daily. I take 1500 mg of calcium citrate and 2 chewables, and 1 B12 sublinguel, I asked if I could be in starvation mode and the dietitian said no many do well on 650 calories a day, but if we only absorbe half of what we take in I am concerned. Well now I am 3 weeks late on my monthly and I have never been late a day in my life (there is no way I could be pregnant), so with the loooong plateaus, slow loss and now late for my monthly could it be starvation, and I think I should have more calories do you? Or what should I do? Thankyou in advance :0) Rosemary    — wizz46 (posted on July 24, 2003)

July 24, 2003
I think your regimine sounds great! You could try upping your calories for a couple of days to see if you break the plateau, but keep doing what you're doing, it'll come off.
   — mom2jtx3

July 24, 2003
Your regime looks pretty darned good to me, too. Unfortunately, nobody can tell you how many calories you malabsorb (it'd be great if they could). Personally, I think 650 calories is a bit too light for 3 months out; for what it's worth, at that point, I was taking in around 800-900 calories on a daily basis (counting my protein shakes). Speaking of shakes, I see from your profile you use skim milk in yours -- one way to cut out useless calories is to eliminate the milk (it's not the fat, it's the sugar that's a waste). Just be sure you're counting *everything* that you're eating -- it's easy to take in more than you think with an onion ring there, some s/f ice cream here ... you know what I mean. ;-) Also, if you're able, you might want to think about diversifying your exercise. Walking is good to start, and it's great exercise 'cause you can do it almost anywhere, anytime, but to really burn fat well you need to get your cardio rate up higher than most people can achieve merely by walking (unless they are truly speed-walking). Consider a gym, if it's possible, or getting a good cardio workout at the pool, or maybe getting a machine for use at home (but you want a *good* one). But I think you're doing *great*, and will continue to do well even if you keep on doing exactly what you're doing. It's up to you how much more you want to ask of yourself at this point ... and you may or may not see a leap in weight loss rate either way. It just takes time.
   — Suzy C.

July 24, 2003
Rosemary- I'm not a dietician, although I play one on this site sometimes. You might want to try to add up how many carbs you're having and try to lower your daily carbs to less than 20 for a few days; this system has worked for me when I have plateaued. Perhaps you could replace the V-8 with a clear protein drink (like Isopure) or with soft boiled eggs to maintain at least 650 calories.
   — SteveColarossi

July 24, 2003
I usually tried to keep my calories around 800 to stay out of starvation mode. If you can't do that with 6 meals, then do 7. I think your diet and supplementation sound great. One thing is if you are getting in your protein but still low on calories, don't be afraid to allow a little fat into your diet. Carbs, no, but a little fat may actually help you out by eeking a few more calories into your 6 meals.
   — ctyst

July 24, 2003
Can you get the strips to check if you are in Ketosis still burning fat? I am also eating too few calories I think to0--only down 28 at 6 weeks so I am getting strips to check if I am in ketosis still. I hope that helps--check GNC and health outlets. Good luck!
   — who A.

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