Has anyone out there been unable to afford plastic surgery?

I would like to hear from people who are living with "bat wings", "aprons", and all the rest of that sagging skin. I am using all my resources for the procedure, vitiamins, and aftercare. So what will it be like living with the sagging skin? Please tell me it is still worth it. Are their any suggestions on hiding it and still loooking presentable. I need to medically loose the weight, so I have to move forward. Thanks.    — Holly B. (posted on May 18, 2003)

May 18, 2003
Hi hon, i understand your concerns but to be honest it was the least of mine at the time when i was 280 pnds..its not to say i didnt think about how i would handle it but i didnt stress over it. I am amost a year and a half out now and have excess skin every where, bat wings, thighs, tummy boobs, you name it, am i disappointed? NOPE because I am soo much healthier at 140 then I was at 280...I do get a bit embarrassed by it but its ok I can hang, I usually cover it up....On a possitive note, I am getting a tummy tuck done and insurance approved it but i still have to figure out a way to pay for my arms, legs and boobs, which could take some time before that can the meantime, I will just deal with it and move on...good luck
   — Deanna Wise

May 18, 2003
I too am worried about the saggy baggy look. I have really good insurance other than they have a WLS exculsion. I was told there is a possibility that if plastic surgery is billed as "reconstructive" They might pay 80%. If not I plan on having surgery in Mexico. I really want a tummy tuck, breast lift and more than likely I will want my arms done too....maybe a little lippo!!! :) I know that going to Mexico is out of the question for a lot of people...but if you have no other choice!!!!!! I will alos be having my WLS in Ensenada Mexico on August 22. I have researched a platic surgeon in if anyone is insterested....
   — jennap

May 18, 2003
What is the deal with Mexico?? Is it cheaper or something? Just curious, because I am looking into plastics at this time.
   — Cheri M.

May 18, 2003
Totally! My PS is an incredible surgeon with fantastic results & minimal scarring and yes, he's in Mexico. If you're interested go to www The prices he speaks of include your stay, anethesia, etc. I've been to him twice and he's wonderful! Certainly worth checking into if you're self paying.
   — Shelly S.

May 18, 2003
Mexico is way cheaper than in U.S. for surgery. My RNY will cost $6500.00 complete!!!! The plastic surgery I am interested in will cost about $5900.00 for breast lift/reduction, tummy tuck and brachioplasty!!!! (oh and a little lippo contouring) Now tell me where I can find that price here in the states!!!!!!! I never will. I fully believe that every one should fully research going to Mexcio before going. The surgeons are getting the same price for their services!!! It is the hospital that that is so much cheaper. Just my two cents worth.
   — jennap

May 18, 2003
Don't give up on insurance paying. I had my breast lifted and a belt lift T.T. I have friends who have had thigh lifts, arms, back and all covered by insurance. Insurance doesn't pay for "cosmetic" procedures, but when its "medically necessary" such as it interferes with your daily life and activities, causes rashes, unable to exercise etc, these things are considered. That is why they review them, becaue they have to seperate the cosmetic from the necessary. The fact most wls people have lost 100 plus pounds and the photos speaks volumes to the insurance company. As far as going to Mexico, just MY opinion. I had almost deadly complications from my TT and it wouldn't have worked if my doctor was there. Just something to think about.
   — ZZ S.

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