how can I get in 65 grams of protein ?

I am 6 weeks out from open RNY . I cant for the life of me get in 65 grams of protein in one day .I have lost 29 lbs and have been told to increase my protein for a greater weight loss .. HOW ? what are yall eating in one day to do this? Ruthie IN SC    — ruthie (posted on May 11, 2003)

May 11, 2003
Well, that early in the game, you will need a protein supplement ( a protein shake) a couple times a day. Most gave you 30 grams each shake, so if you drink 2 of them, there you go. I am 4 months post op, and still don't come close to getting enough protein from food. Shakes help alot.
   — thekatinthehat

May 11, 2003
hi, ruthie, i am now 3 mths. post-op and can't still tolerate taking those darn protein shakes. i just now started trying the different kinds of protein bars and some are okay and some are nasty. But i do like beef jerkey and it has lots of protein. At 6 weeks though i didn't take anything but what i was eating for food to get my protein in because that is all I could tolerate. so , if you can try some low fat baked beans or any kind of beans and maybe some fish. Good luck to you because i now what you mean!!
   — Melodee S.

May 11, 2003
I can't stand most protein shakes so the lifesavers for me have been (1) Beneprotein powder (ordered from -3 scoops mixed in sf tang or other sf drink (18g/protein) and (2) Amino2222 liquid from GNC - 4 tbsp mixed with 16 oz water and crushed ice and 4 packets of splenda (22g/protein) - makes a fruit punch drink.
   — sheltie

May 11, 2003
I hold my nose, grit my teeth, and chug down 2 or 3 protein shakes a day. I mix them with the least amount of water possible, and don't stop to really taste or smell them. After doing that for a couple of weeks, I don't mind the taste anymore. There was no way I could get that much protein from food. I tried, and it didn't work.
   — Diana L.

May 11, 2003
Early on, I couldn't stand protein shakes, and you just cannot eat 65 or more grams of protein as a new post-op. I discovered Isopure zero carb drinks-they came in 20 oz glass bottles, looked like koolaid, and had 40 grams of protein each. I had to cut each with water and ice to dilute and just sipped on that all day. Eventually I developed a liking for protein shakes, especially when you add ice and fresh fruit in the blender and its like a milk shake. Even at 15 months post-op, I have either a shake or bar a day to keep the protein intake up to 70 or so.
   — Cindy R.

May 11, 2003
I do 150-180g a day, easily, in protein supplements. When you start down that road, adding milk doesn't add much nutritional benefit, but it does add empty calories. If you can mkae them with water, that's much better. Limit yourself to 30g per serving and make your serving small enough to drink in about 1/2 hour. After that, the protein starts to lose some of its integrity and bacteria start to form. Then you can optimize your wt loss and your nutritional uptake, along with your dollars. Taking more than 30g at a serving is kind of a waste of money. If you need ideas for protein drinks, tune into the list that only discusses protein supplements. Lots of good ideas.
   — vitalady

May 11, 2003
dont worry, the ability to increase the protein will come. i recommend beef jerky and soy nuts. both are tasty and have a high amount of protein in a small volume. good luck. patsy in las vegas
   — PATSY N.

May 11, 2003
Protien shakes or protien bars, I eat 2 protien bars a day and that is around 40-50 grams of protien already, then I eat tuna fish, eggs, cottage cheese or whatever else I can find with high protien. I have to have 65g a day. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

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