Does anyone know of a good plastic surgeon in Wisconsin?

I need it done on my upper arms, lower and upper legs, stomach,and breast. I have upper and lower back problems and neck and shoulder problems. I don't know if I can get my physical therapist to say it's due to the hanging skin. I have no rash or hernia. I have 70 pounds to go yet, I know it's too soon. Does anyone know the cost of all these procedures. I also would like to go to a doctor that will do more than one procedure at a time. Please help. Thanks    — Melissa S. (posted on July 20, 2002)

July 21, 2002
Fawsi Abu Jamra is listed on this site as a plastic surgeon who performs post wls plastic surgeries. He is located in Green Bay. Go to Find a Doc at the top of this page and you can find him there under the plastic surgeon portion. Good Luck and Congrats on your loss so far :)
   — Jodi D.

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