Do most post-op require.........

tt and breast reduction ? bcbs/ppo cover?    — M M. (posted on February 10, 2003)

February 9, 2003
Breast "reduction"??? Do you mean reconstruction? (Losing fat would reduce the breatsts so no reduction would be needed). Seems the answer would probally be yes to both, however most of us probally are not covered for those cosmetic procedures.
   — Danmark

February 10, 2003
Yes, It is very typical for most wls patients to need some PS. (Reconstructive breast surgery can mean anything from reduction to a lift). It is a plus when insurance companies see that we've lost 100 plus pounds. Because of wls, they know that typically we will not put it back and photos speaks volumes. Not everyone however needs it, but I would say the majority are not that lucky to get away with no extra flab.
   — ZZ S.

February 10, 2003
The vast majority of post op patients could use both tummy tuck (panniculectomy or abdominoplasty - whichever you choose) and breast reduction or reconstruction once they lose all their weight. Contrary to a previous post (and no offense intended) some people need breast reduction after loosing weight because they are genetically predisposed to have large breasts and do not lose as significantly in the breast area. However, more patients simply could use reconstruction as in a lift. Panniculectomy and breast reduction are both reconstructive and are not considered cosmetic and are generally covered by insurance. A breast lift is covered sometimes and sometimes not - seems to be the luck of the draw. Reconstructive plastic surgery isn't generally a life or death decision but is often medically necessary for the surgical weight loss patient.
   — ronascott

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