Utah Plastic Surgeon

Now that I have reached my goal weight, I am ready to have some plastic surgery done. The tummy, thighs and arms. Does anyone know of a good plastic surgeon in Salt Lake City, Utah that they've had good luck with or even somewhere to get some names. Thanks!    — Amy E. (posted on August 4, 2002)

August 4, 2002
I am also from Salt Lake City (now live in Maine). I wish I had some specific names for you, but I don't. I would really suggest just looking up some names in the yellow pages. Most plastic surgeons offer "free consultations" since they know most pay out of pocket and really want to feel great about their surgeon. See who you like face to face and then ask for references. Talk to past patients. Look up the guy's credentials. Make sure you feel COMPLETELY comfortable before undergoing any surgical procedures in the name of beauty. I personally have lost 190 lbs. and have a lot of loose skin, but I decided I'm just going to deal with it. I'm married (no longer on the "meat market"), and my hubby agrees that another surgery would be too risky and not worth it. He loves me the way I am and agrees with me that the first procedure (my RNY) was for HEALTH reasons only. I didn't have the surgery to get beautiful necessarily, so I'm just going to deal with the extra skin by wearing spandex underpants!!! LOL Good luck to you, though, in whatever you decide to do. Just remember -- check out your doctor carefully before you move ahead with the surgery.
   — Terissa R.

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