Has anyone had a Body Lift?

I'm 11 months post-op and have lost 171 lbs (currently at 155 lbs). I having problems with my extra skin on my butt and thighs, but mustly my butt. It actually becomes painful with I sit for more than 40 mins. Please share your experience? Recover, pain, how do I look for a surgeon? Help...    — Linda R. (posted on March 2, 2004)

March 2, 2004
You could ask your bariatric surgeon for some names, and also check the local support groups. Then visit at least a couple and see pictures of their work. I ended up not chosing the one my surgeon recommended, but went with someone another post-op told me about because I thought her work looked much better. I had a LBL and breast lift and the recovery was MUCH easier than I anticipated. I was very worried about being able to sit, but it was fine. I still get a sore butt from sitting though. I think it's because I've much less padding for my tail bone to rest on. Good luck!
   — mom2jtx3

March 3, 2004
This question is really for Linda B. I read your profile. I would like to also have a lower body lift and mastoplasty. I also have AETNa insurance. Can you tell me if your insurance paid, or did you. If so, how much did it cost you? Thanks! Kay W.
   — Kay W.

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