any comments about this procedure (thigh lift) cruroplasty

Just had the tummy tuck 3 months ago...have lost 160lbs from by-pass two years ago ang been thru 5 abdominal surgerys (infections) and horrible encounters since...I' scared to go in for this COSMETIC surgery and put my life in HELL again..Any comments???    — irene B. (posted on February 20, 2004)

February 19, 2004
Irene Congrats on the great weight loss I can understand your fears but just think how great your legs will ook after you are all healed up and having it done now you will be in shorts and legs looking great by summer I say go for it you will be fin I would do it if my INC payed for it Im trying now to get TT hernia repair approved Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

February 19, 2004
I'm having my inner thigh lift in May. My PS has already warned me that this will be a painful recovery since the incisions will be in the crease of my legs between my groin and leg. The incision will go 1/2 way around the crease in the leg. He did say that sometimes the stitches come loose and need to be re-stitched just due to natural movement such as walking. So I'm prepared for the worst (and knowing my luck, I can expect it) but he also said I'm a great candidate for the surgery. I have about 3 to 3 1/2 inches of excess skin that need to be removed from each thigh. Right now, I have the elephant skin look on my upper inner thighs and I look forward to that look going away. There can always be complications with any surgery (I had 3 seromas drained after my tt) but I guess you have to consider what the outcome is going to be and only you can make the decision if the possibility of you having a complication is worth the way you will look afterwords.
   — Patty H.

February 20, 2004
I had pancreatitis three years ago - and because of a staph infection while in the hospital I wound up having 12 abdominal surgeries every other day for a month - 12 in all - and was in the hospital for 4 months, 4 days total. I was in a coma, in the ICU for about 2 months, and had to learn how to walk, talk and hold even a spoon again. <br><br>But the FOUR surgeries I have had since then (Lap RNY, hernia repair, gallbladder, and abdominoplasty) have been flawless. Perfection. <br><br>I guess if you have major concerns about the particular facility, then you should do some research about them - check their Jayco certification, check the surgeon you are having do it, etc. A lot of people do more research about buying a microwave oven than looking at a hospital. I am not saying that you haven't looked into this surgery. But sometimes I think that we just believe that because the building is a big hospital they must know what they are doing. Check them out thoroughly. If you have doubts after THAT MANY incidences, I would have second thoughts about <i>them</I>. <br><br>But that being said, and just to play devil's advocate, were the infections and complications at home or at the hospital?<br><br> You raised the question yourself, really- is the procedure you are having a medical necessity or purely cosmetic? <br> Good luck to you!
   — kultgirl

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