How long is recovery from tummy tuck and Breast lift with implants

Could someone please tell me how long is was before you were able to walk around and do certain things? I'am planning to go back to mexico for a tummy tuck and breast lift with implants. I will be going alone and having my drains removed before I come back. Will I be able handle the flight home (5 hours) and be able to do this alone as far as the pain goes? How bad is the pain compared to Open-RNY? Thanks for any experiance you can provide for this    — latrishanickle (posted on February 13, 2004)

February 13, 2004
I had the abd plasty on jan 22nd along with a breast lift. he was suppose to do a reduction and didnt. infear of losing the nipple. cause they had to move it so far to begin with. for me the breast was more painful than the full abd plasty when I woke up after surgery the breasts felt a burning sensation. the stomach didnt hurt at all. I questioned the nurse and asked if he had done everything she laughed and said yes. I took pain meds only for one day because they made me sick and was only in the hosp one day. I than stayed with a friend from fri-mon. than came home. no lifting for 6 weeks. and was able to move fine.slow and easy but fine. It was discomfort not pain for me. I think most of it was fear that it would hurt. mostly getting in and out of bed. I am only 3 weeks out right now. I did drive after a week wasnt suppose to for 2 week and when I asked why, they said cause your on pain meds and since I wasnton pain meds I drove. Its an hour drive to the doctors office and I had to drive it wasnt real comfortable cause i live in a rual area and I drive a lot of winding roads. I have to wear a binder around my stomach. It helps support me and actually feels better when driving and moving around. the flight from Mexico may be a bit much after surgery. just depends on your pain level. Im flying to mexico on the 25th which will be 5 weeks out. Im going on vacation before I have to return to work. good luck.
   — Joan W.

February 13, 2004
I have *no* experience with plastics (yet!), but for what it's worth, I've read this question posted in various places for the past couple of years, with great interest (as I'm surely interested in having plastics, too). Interestingly enough, there seems to be a real split of opinion on whether plastics are more painful than a gastric bypass or not. There's really no consensus (some say definitely yes, some say definitely no). I'm not sure anybody can even give you any good indicators to let you guess, with any better accuracy, how it'll be for you. I would assume they're not gonna let you get on that plane if you're in no shape to do so, however.<P>One thing I'd be concerned about in having plastics done elsewhere, though, is follow-up, in terms of drains, and draining. I've noticed that plastic surgeons really vary in how long they leave drains in (and some take some of your drains out right away, leaving other drains in longer). I assume you've got doctor back home lined up here in the states for such follow up, if not to remove any remaining drains, then to allow the doc to drain off any excess fluid using a needle. In other words, I get the general impression that you may need more hands-on, doctor follow-up, in the weeks following plastics, than you would necessarily need following a gastric bypass.<P>Have you lurked over on the yahoo OSSG plastics board? There are loads of folks there who've gotten their post-WLS plastics done in Costa Rica, Brazil, or other locations outside the U.S., who could probably answer your questions really well, now that I think of it. If you haven't checked it out, it's at ... and, I think they could point you to a more specific plastics board for folks (WLS or otherwise) who travel for their plastics.<P>Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

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