Will my hunger/fullness sensations ever return?

I'm 2 months post-op and had open RNY. Since surgery, I haven't felt any hunger or fullness sensations so I try to use more of a timed eating schedule and I try to just use my own judgement about being full. Will these sensations eventually return further down the line? Thanks for your thoughts.    — Kim J. (posted on June 26, 2003)

June 26, 2003
Your hunger will return... and be careful when it does, cuz it is easy to accidently over-eat and then you end up throwing up. It's a nasty cycle. FUllness will return quickly... already you fill full or you wouldn't be able to eat on a timed schedule like youdo! :~) I never eat to the point of "fullness" because when I did prior to surgery, I always had to eat more to feel that fullness. I eat until I know my body has had enough... you just learn to listen to your body... it's weird to explain, but you will learn. :~) Check out my profile... it might help! 18 months post op, down 220 lbs!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 26, 2003
The only disappointment about the surgery has been the hunger. It didn't start for about 2 months but when it did it was hard to believe. I really thought I would never be hungry again. On the good side it doesn't take much to satisfy it. A sugar free popsicle or a piece of cheese will hold me until the next meal. Just enjoy this time and make the best of it. By the way, be sure not to confuse head hunger with real hunger.
   — Tawnda C.

June 26, 2003
what caught my attention at first was your 'question' about hunger returning... I wanted to know 'when' normal rny return.... then after clicking your question; the part about fullness caught my eye. I am over 2 1/2 years post and am 'still' waiting for that hunger to return (thats good for me) the bad part is the fullness part... I still dont have that either. The reason I dont have the fullness part is I have no pouch function. THis is a rare complication of the RNY (but does happen!) One of the 'signs' you might have 'it' is the 'lack' of fullness. I just wanted you to be aware of this because IF you are one of those few that have this the hunger/fullness may never return. You are doing great tho - you are timing your eating - this is a great way to control this situation. I know, me personally I am afraid hunger will return :( cause I dont have any food limiations (no pouch function = no food limatation) Im grateful that hunger hasnt returned; but the fullness problem is very hard to deal with... especially if your head butts in.... good luck. You may not have this problem at all.... but just wanted you to be aware , just in case.
   — star .

June 28, 2003
I am nearly 2 yrs postop open rny (9/2001). I still do not experience "hunger" pains at all. I eat pretty much whenever I want to, or when my family is eating. I do struggle with head hunger and have discovered that I can eat dry cold cereal (honey nut chex is my favorite for this) out of the box and I feel like I've splurged. My problem is that I can also eat candy and sweets without much more than some diarrhea the next day. (Regular ice cream will give me diarrhea within an hour or two if I have more than 1/3 to 1/2 cup at a time.) I also can tell that when I'm busy and feel more fatigued that it's usually been too long since I last eaten. I must say I don't miss having hunger pains anymore. Maybe this will change at some point so that I do have them?? Time will tell.
   — Karen M.

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