Time Frame to Return To Work

If you have a desk job, is it reasonable to think you can go back to work in a week or two after discharge from the hospital?    — Tracy M. (posted on December 12, 2002)

December 12, 2002
In my experience. One week is too soon. Two weeks is possible, but expect to be tired quickly and not as productive. If you have any complications, even minor, It could be up to six weeks. My opinion is to give yourself plenty of time to heal and it will shorten your time of recovery. However, I also needed to return to work in order to get myself motivated and feeling normal. Everyone is different.
   — Scott L.

December 12, 2002
I had lap surgery and was able to go back to work as a nurse after two weeks off. I was more tired than usual. I only work three six hour shifts per week so it was definately do able. If you are having open surgery you will need 3 to 6 weeks off. I know I needed 6 weeks off after my c-sections!
   — maryburton

December 12, 2002
Depends on if you are having lap or open. . .I had lap RNY on a Wednesday, and returned to work on Monday--a desk job. I was a little tired the first couple of days, but at one week post-op I felt 100% and had lots of energy. I have been blessed with a trouble-free recovery. Sarah, 6 weeks post-op -28 pounds.
   — Sarah S.

December 12, 2002
You did not mention whether you were having open- or lap-. I had open and was back to work in 3 week. I possibly could have gone back after 2 weeks, but it would have been hard. The energy level even after 3 weeks was pretty low.
   — Carole J.

December 12, 2002
I had my surgery Lap RNY and own my own company. We had a very larger job that started right before my surgery. My partners started the job and I was back to work 8hrs/day on the 10th day after surgery and back to 16hr days the next day! I did not have a day off or work less than 14hrs per day for the next 2 mmonths straight! My surgeon was awesome and the surgery was great . Hope that help. God bless, Don
   — Don A.

December 12, 2002
It depends on which surgery you have. I had lap rny. I was shopping in the mall and working on my laptop from home at one week post op and back to work full time by two weeks post op. By four weeks post op I was traveling with work again with no problems. However, my job only consists of sitting in front of a computer and attending meetings. If you have a job that requires any sort of physical activity you would probably need some more time.
   — Linda A.

December 12, 2002
I went back to work after four weeks and had an Open RNY. No problems! 4/29/2002 -120
   — stacey L.

December 12, 2002
I too have a desk job. I am 20 and had my OPEN RNY on Nov 15th and went back to work the first week of december! I had a great recovery!
   — sandrac131

December 12, 2002
I went back to work 12 days, (counting weekends) after my lap RNY. I did fine. I took Flintstones pre-op and B-12 Sublingual. Something helped me strength-wise. I did fine. By the way, I am a nurse in an industrial setting. Good Luck.
   — NitaE

December 12, 2002
Certainly... I took the time because I had it. I felt good enough after a couple of weeks.
   — MF

December 12, 2002
I was only out for 1 week - I still had my staples in when I went back to work! I had open RNY with no complications (thank god). My surgeon told me that in most cases, the younger you are the quicker you will recover. I am 29 and relatively healthy, so I'm sure that helped me. My sister had her surgery the same day and she was out for 2 weeks (she's 32). I have a desk job and was tired, but did just fine. I could have taken up to 4 weeks off but I was bored at home and just knew my desk was piling up with work so I went back. Best of luck to you!!
   — Traci A.

December 12, 2002
I had my surgery on November 25th, Open RNY. I am going back to work on Monday 12/16. Including time in the hospital I will have had 3 wks off. I felt well enough that I could have gone back this week but my employer wanted me to take this week to make sure I am 100%.
   — Sandra D.

December 12, 2002
I had Open RNY November 29, 2001 and was released to go back to work 12 days post-op. I had no trouble what so ever. Just tired at night - usually took a nap when I got home from work.
   — Patty_Butler

December 12, 2002
My daughters and I had lap RNY surgeries. I was back at work in a full-time office position in 8 days; one daughter returned to teaching pre-school in 14 days; the other daughter returned to full-time nursing in an ICU in 10 days. We had no problems at all, just a little more fatigue than usual at the end of the day. Post-op patients who have had open surgeries usually need a little more time because of the larger incision and increased post-op discomfort. We were careful to observe our surgeon's direction to not lift more than 15 lbs. for the first six weeks. Remember that the only difference between open and lap is the surgical approach to entering the abdomen....the internal work that the surgeon does is identical in both cases. WLS is a major surgery regardless of the approach. Give yourself plenty of opportunities for some naps and early bedtimes and follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter and you'll be fine. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

December 12, 2002
Tracy, all these posters are absolutly right BUT let me just caution you in this way. We all have different bodies and we are heal differently. "Listen" to your body. It will let you know when it's right to assume your regular life again. I am 46, had open RNY and am a full time RN, OB Supervisor. I have to care for and at times lift women who are laboring and have epidurals. SO I took ALL the time I could. My doc kept me out 6 weeks ( which however is standard for most surgerys) and then I took another 2 weeks after that just to build up my strength. Do whats best for you ok? As everyone always says here, we shouldn't compare ourselves to others and I believe that also involves our healing. All the best!! Gina
   — Gina D.

December 13, 2002
I had lap RNY and was able to take 3 weeks on short term disability. I could have went back in 2 weeks, but it was great to have that extra week to recover more and get used to the food regimen a little more that you have to do at first. I'm not sure if I'd gone back at 2 weeks, if I'd been able to do anything at work except focus on drinking and eating. It seems like that's all you do at first when you can only eat two tablespoons of food and only sip tiny drinks. As far as the wounds, at 2 weeks I wasn't sore and could drive fine. Sitting at a desk all day would have been fine for me, but everyone's different.
   — mbradley35

December 13, 2002
Had lap RNY on a Friday and went back to work Monday morning. I only missed one day of work. I told no one I was doing WLS. Nobody could even tell I didn't feel too good.
   — lee J.

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