How do I take my 4 large-sized pills if I shouldn't crush extended release meds?

I currently take four 200mg extended release Glucophage (Metaformin) pills for my PCOS and insulin resistance. I am supposed to take all four pills in the evening. I have tried the non-extended release pills in the past and they made me nauseated. If I were to cut each one up and take them in small pieces, it might take forever or be difficult as the pills are quite large. Thanks for your help! My surgery date for SRVG is Sept. 17.    — jules R. (posted on September 2, 2003)

September 2, 2003
I was on 2000 mg of Glucophage XL before surgery for insulin resistance. I stopped it just a few days before surgery, and have never needed it again! I am 10 months out, and my last fasting insulin level, done at the beginning of July, was in middle of the normal range. (Before surgery I was at the high end of the range with the Glucophage XR!)I am not sure you can cut the pills (if they are scored, that is a possibility, though). They are actually sort of a matrix, which is why they can't be crushed or dissolved. The medication sort of leaches out in your intestines and the pill passes as a "gelatinous mass". So, check with your surgeon, as you might not need to take it at all! Good luck!
   — koogy

September 2, 2003
I have never had trouble taking my pills. I do take all of them (about 40 a day..NO JOKE) in capsule form. At first my doctor gave me tablets and they about killed me (or at least I thought I would die...HAHA) but then she changed me to all capsules and I have not had any trouble. They go down very easily, digest easily and do not nauseate me. So you may ask your doctor to try capsules. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

September 2, 2003
Hi there ... you're going to have to talk with your doctor about this ... I am under the impression post-ops cannot benefit from extended-release pills of any kind. BTW, I don't have any problem swallowing 2 rather large pills. LAP RNY 06/18/03 -51
   — Karyn B

September 3, 2003
Please be careful with cutting up time released med's A pharacist told me that the medication that is time released and broken can actually cause death because we are releasing all of the components at one time, You can actually over dose. Please call your dr or the pharmacy before you Ever do this,
   — LS F.

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