Have your hunger and cravings decreased significantly after having SRVG?

I am debating whether to have silastic ring vertical gastroplasty or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Many post-op bypass patients report that their hunger and cravings went away after the surgery, even for those whose surgeries were more than two years ago. Is the same long-term diminished hunger and cravings true for people who had the silastic ring vertical gastroplasty?    — jules R. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
I had the SRVG/VBG surgery 3/18/03. To date I have lost 70 pounds and am NEVER hungry. There are many times that I have to make my self eat because I am not hungry or because I forgot to eat! I am very happy with the choice of *MY* surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat. Any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Good luck!!
   — Michelle M.

July 16, 2003
I wouldn't count on the bypass taking away your hunger. I've been hungry since about the second week after surgery. As far as cravings go, I still love to eat and want to eat things that are not good for me. I must make choices everyday.
   — Pamela B.

July 17, 2003
There was a really good study completed last year on patients that had the Roux-en-y gastric bypass. The stomach produces a hormone that triggers the urge to eat. In obese patients the hormone is constantly being produced stimulating your brain/body to constantly eat without cessation even after full or even after over eating. They found that when morbidly obese patients had the Roux-en-y it completely stopped the production of the hormone. It is theorized that the severe reduction in stomach size stops the hormone production but they aren't yet sure why or how. It was a five year study and ALL of the RNY pts eventually lost their urge to constantly eat at different points after the surgery and have all done well since. This info was what helped me make my final decision to have the surgery and which type of surgery. Hope this helps. Good Luck!
   — Deborah F.

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