Has anyone had problems drinking water? Everything tastes very bad, espically water.

I am about two months out of the bypass surgery, and I had complications so a second surgery was necessary. This is kind of a two part inquiry. I was doing just fine after the orginal surgery but since the second I have had difficulty keeping anything down, even water. Before the surgeries I drank a great deal of water, on a daily basis, it was always my main drink. Now I can barely tolorate the taste of it. I get most of my liquid from Gatorade. I cannot drink Crystal Lite and any of the 'sugarless' replacement drinks, no matter how much I water them down, they come back up, even smelling them makes me sick. The second part of this is the odors part, has anyone had or noticed a heightened sence of smell? This attributes I am sure to the nausa and the inability to keep food down.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 6, 2001)

June 6, 2001
yes yes yes you are the first person to have the same thing as me! I had the surgery and then had to get broke and i had to have surgery again...after the second one I couldn't stand the smell of anything and water was and still it so gross ! I'm a month out from my second surgery...i was on a strong nausea medicin but now that is finally over... but water is still yuck...and are you ready for what tasted great to juice ! i drank tons with no ill effects...crazy huh.... then i did watered crystal light and then that went bad to me and now it's koolaid watered down...I know what you are going thru and it's not easy when you have to get liquids in and you can't drink any of was horrible in the hosp because of it...I just wanted to let you know you weren't alone...not that i offered any help but i do wish you luck.......and the smell and nausea should pass... best of luck to you sharon
   — Sharon F.

June 7, 2001
Yes! h2O was my enemy for weeks - but ya gotta drink. This seems to be common and I think is from the anesthesia. Had this problem after my appy in college, though not so bad. Things I drank instead of straight water - Gatorade diluted half with water (Fierce Grape good even diluted), koolaid watered down and made with 1/2 cup splenda (a sweetner without the aftertaste others have, in a yellow box at the grocery) fresh lemon or lime (strained)squeezed into water with maybe a litte Splenda or sugar, FLAT Canada Dry Diet Cranberry Gingerale (not too sweet!), diet snapple cranberyy raspberry (hard to find but worth it), decaf ice tea (try the flavored -mint, lemon balm, berry by Celestial Seasonings, etc.) with fresh mint, just water with fresh mint. (fast ice tea- 5 tea bags in a 2 cup measurer- nuke in microwave 5 minute - let stand 5 minutes, dump in pitcher w/cold water and ice). I found that anything added to it helped me. I too now am hooked on OJ, something I never liked. I buy the "Calcium" kind - It took me 2 months to find these ideas- just wanted to help!
   — M. A. B.

June 7, 2001
I made decaffinated apple-cinnamon tea, or sometimes decaffinated green tea and used nutrasweet to sweeten.... you could also try stevia to sweeten (natural) or splenda. Expiriment, expiriment and expiriment some more!
   — Karen R.

June 7, 2001
I had the same problem. I loved drinking water before the surgery and then after I got home from the hospital I couldn't stand the taste of water. When I went back to the surgeon I told him about my problem and he looked in my mouth and said I had Thrush. He said that it is common after being on antibiotics. He gave me nystatin and it really helped. I am now drinking my water and enjoying it.
   — Catherine C.

August 6, 2004
I also have a problem drinking water! I am able to drink Propel (made by Gatorade), koolaid, and teas. I asked my DR. if this was ok to get my water in..and he said it was. So, that is what I do. I drink about 3 bottles that are 16.5 ozs a day. I often buy a case of Propel as its cheaper that way.
   — phrazzledmom

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