How much is too much?

I am one week postop from a brachioplasty (arm lift). It went very well and if you want details you can email me for the "book version" of my experience, lol. But I'm afraid I have created a monster! Now I want everything fixed! I am 6 months postop from my RNY and have lost 101 pounds. I like what I see in the mirror when I am dressed, but I keep thinking of how much better I would look if I had this lifted or that tucked. I never thought about this pre-op -- in fact I read about people's plastic surgeries and thought "Well, I'll never need/want to do that." Wrong! Now I want to do it all. But I can afford neither the time nor the money. How can I stop obsessing about "perfection"?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 29, 2000)

March 28, 2000
Wow ... I can really hear where your coming from. I am about 2.5 years post op and have lost 225 lbs. I did have the tummy tuck done, with a hernia repair. But .. I would love to have my legs, arms & boobs fixed. Maybe my butt lifted....hmmmmmm. But ya know what ... It is unrealistic.. I am not 20, I am almost 40. The love of my life tells me that he does not even notice. I met him prior to the tummy tuck and had 10 lbs of skin removed from my belly. He loves me the way I am, now I need to love me the way I am. Perfection would be nice.... but I do not think I would ever achieve that. Live well, laugh often, love much Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

March 28, 2000
Gee whiz, you sound like me! I am obsessed now with all of the new problems my body seems to have compared to when I was heavy. I see my chest and hate it,(smaller and has no fat-went from a 44C to a 32 almost B)I see my thighs which look like saggy baggy the elephant, and my arms which have wrinkles galore now. I also see that the lines in my face show up so much more now. I definately think I look older (I am 41). What I wonder is this....will we or anyone ever be truly happy with themselves? I see Barbie doll women that are not happy with themselves. Good luck to you and you are not alone! Barb

March 28, 2000
Hey there Ann, I would love to hear about your arm lift (book style...LOL) I want to have the same procedure done. I am 4 months post-op and have lost 70lbs. But my arms are hanging and I still look like the incredible hulk up top because of my arms...LOL So tell me how you look and feel now! :) Nicole ([email protected])
   — Nicole D.

March 28, 2000
Ann - I know what you mean. I am going to do my arms first as they are bigger than my breasts at this point. I am 14 weeks out and down 80 lbs. My doc says I have to wait a full year. I want the full book version please - [email protected]. Also how much $$$$$. Marjie Wassermann Lansdale, PA
   — Marjie W.

March 28, 2000
Well, I am still 30 days preop and have the same kinds of thoughts as to obtaining my desired body image and what I will have to do to accomplish that, via exercise and/or plastic surgery. I want to accomplish as much as possible, without going under the knife again, but would not rule out plastic surgery if I or my surgeon deems it necessary. I personally am thinking of a tummy tuck (hopefully covered by insurance) and a breast augmentation. Should we feel guilty about our need for our desired body image? Probably not. If we could afford it would we do it? I tend to think we would, as long as we are confident in our surgeon's skills and abilities. Actresses and actors have plastic surgery all the time to maintain their body image, therefore their livelihood. Perhaps its a lifetime of living with our undesirable bodies that make us feel this way. What's inside our heart and soul is where beauty originates, but we all know that we don't live in a perfect world where everyone sees what's on the inside. My personal opinion is all things in moderation. However we must also remember everyone's level of moderation is different.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 29, 2000
Hey Ann: It is great to hear from you!! WOW!! You have been so successful. I had my surgery about 12 days after yours, and you are having great success. Can you share any secrets? What do you eat and what do you do for exercise? I am not able to exercise much yet, but am starting to walk--arthritis. I would love the book version of your surgery. My arms are waving back at me and I won't wear sleevless shirts. I sympathize with you--I'd love a tummy tuck and a breast lift. I seem to have lost the first 50 lbs. in my breasts. My hubby is kind but disappointed in that aspect only. Thanks for posting. I am looking forward to a good read. Good to see you back.
   — Dot W.

March 30, 2000
Excuse me but wasn't that part of the surgery. Brain wave adjustment from 'I'm too fat to care' to 'I'm a gorgeous beast and I want it all'. I want it all and I want it NOW. I am 6 weeks post-op and down 33lbs(Thank you God and Dr. Barzune) but I am very impatient. I want to be sleek and gorgeous, NOW YOU HEAR ME NOW. LOL. Seriously I think it is quite normal to have these feelings after all they have been laying dormant inside for a long time. You go girl, keep those 'I WANT IT ALL' thoughts.
   — Jen L.

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