Concerned about comments from plasic surgeon ???

The surgeon said that evn though I am getting a breast reduction and full abdominoplasty there is nothing he can do about the fat on my back and that he will do what he can about the skin on the side but he can't turn me over on my side to remove any of that stuff,He also told me that even with the breast reduction he can't do anything about the fat on the side closest to my breast???ANd lastly because I went to see a plastic surgeon before him that wanted to remove only 300 grams of breast tissue and the insurance company denied them however this insurance compnay approved him with a removal of 850 grams-He said that insurance companies will not even consider it unless the amount is the range that they require-He said even though he will not take off that much issue during the actual procedure-he will only remove enough tissue to make my breasts look good on me-He said i may have created a problem because the insurance company denied it with the other surgeon and when they submit it in afterwards they may investigate as to hy only so litle tissue was removed, but then again they may not He said often although shopping around is a good thing somtimes it can create other problems but he is almost positive they will cover it-if not they may charge me for it-I'm scared I can't afford that I'm trying to save up for the total abominoplasty work-What should I do-And he also mentioned dog ears and necrosis as results of the surgery-Am I going to look hideous-Should I just forget all about plastic surgery and let my boobs hang and leave my skin alone-I don't want to look worse off???? HELP in PA-Tori    — TotallyTori (posted on March 4, 2005)

March 4, 2005
Dear Tori, It sounds like a better operation to address your concerns is a total lower body lift or belt lipectomy. There are no "dog ears" and there is significant improvement of the back and flank (love handle) region. The scar goes all the way around and is hidden by underware or a bikini bottom. Additionally, most insurance companies require a reduction of at least 500 grams (about a pound) per breast . Anything less than that really is just a breast lift. There is always a small chance of complications for any operation, and if you have the surgery you need to be prepared for the recovery. I hope this information is useful to you. Joshua Kreithen, M.D.
   — Joshua Kreithen, M.D.

March 4, 2005
Find another surgeon! for one thing DOG ears (according to my PS are a result of surgeons NOT taking their time) The roll of fat on the side of your body can indead be removed (mine was - free ) when my surgeon did my breasts. He's already stated he's inflated the amount he was going to remove (insurance fraud) he doesnt sound 'good'...
   — star .

March 4, 2005
Getting more then one opinion is always good, how he can think shopping around isnt good is beyond me. Never settle for the best priced one unless he/she is the BEST. I would also explore your options like the doctor below suggested. Sounds like you need more then what the surgeon you saw said. Good luck! Theresa
   — TheresaC

March 5, 2005
Do be honest with you unless he has a very good reputation in the community I would RUN to a different surgeon. He seems a bit flaky to me.
   — SJP

March 5, 2005
RUN RUN RUN to another doc unless you are absolutely sure he is the best. Sounds like to me he isn't. I agree with Dr. Kreithen 100%. If he doesn't think there is anything that can be done with the sides etc., he obviously doesn't know about the lower body lift..etc. He may be wonderful, but he sounds like a, well, not a good doc. Good luck. I hope the best for you.
   — debi327

March 5, 2005
first of all verify is he a board certified plastic surgeon. Yes, I would shop around but only submit to insurance when you have found the doctor you feel comfortable with and that you are confident will do great job. As far as dog ears, I cannot say, I had a LBL. It cost me quite a bit out of pocket, insurance only paid some for skin removal. However, My doctor and all his informed consents had to mention any possible complication that could occur, ie I might lose my belly button, tissue necrosis can occur with any surgery, they can never guarentee perfection or absolute symmetry, there is always the risk of surgery such as the same risks with gastric bypass, clots, infection, etc. there is also the issue that you just might not be satisfied even with a good result. They cannot tell in advance if what you are invisioning is realistic to obtain. If a surgeon glosses over potential complications I would run away from them. Ask to see photos of his work that is similar to what you want. Ask for referrals to talk to former patients, He can get permission from them to give you their name/phone number. I have done this for my surgeon. Good luck to you , I hope all goes well.
   — **willow**

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