Anyone been told they need a breast lift not a reduction???

I went to see the plastic surgeon with hopes of finding out why my insurance company denied my breast reduction I was told there was enough grams being removed. He told me that I did not have enough faty tissue that what I actually had was just loose skin making my breasts sag and that in order for the insurance company to pay for my reduction that I would need about 600g of tissue being removed, he said that if he did that to me I would like I had a masectomy-I went from 48DDD to a 42DD weight from 388 to 229-235 in 2 years-I'm depressed and devastated -should I seek a second opinion i think i should qualify by my insurance i'm having neck, back and shoulder pain from my boobs weighing me down because of how far they sag-Any advice-Devastated in Philly-Tori    — TotallyTori (posted on February 17, 2005)

February 17, 2005
Yes, I thought I needed a reduction, but just needed the lift. I combined it w/ some other surgery that the insurance did cover, and just paid the add'l surgeon's fee.
   — mom2jtx3

February 17, 2005
I am having my breast lift on Monday, the 21st...I did not need a reduction. It was all entirely loose skin. When my PS looked at my breast tissue, he was shocked that I wear a C cup, as I don't have enough breast tissue to make that...I actually have a bra cup amount of loose skin around my breasts. Insurance denied my breast lift request 2 years it took me 2 years to get myself financially able to do this; $7300 for it. Worth every penny, in my opinion. I don't have neck/back/shoulder problems from them...just self esteem issues. But I'm happy and excited. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor. Have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

February 17, 2005
I just had my breast lift 3 weeks ago. I went from a 36D to a 36B. He didn't remove ANY breast tissue just loose skin. I'm amazed at how much weight has been lifted off of my chest but I'm also amazed at how perky and NORMAL my breasts now look. I can say that my back and neck don't seem to hurt as much anymore. I think I just needed to get rid of all that excess skin.
   — Patty H.

February 18, 2005
I just had an abdominoplasty and had tried to have a reduction and lift at the same time. Insurance did not approve because I hadn't seen an Orthopedist for the back pain. Needed to justify that the breasts were causing the back and neck pain. Consult your insurance company to make sure what their particular requirements are and then make appointments with those doctors necessary. It is very important to lay the proper groundwork so that they don't have any excuse to deny you. And ALWAYS complain about the pain to any and all doctors you have or even consult. I tried to be a hero about the pain, and it came back and bit me in the butt. Now I have an appt with the Orthopedist the end of March and am getting ready to lay the foundation for the surgery. Been suffering with this pain for 20+ years. Good luck in your journey!
   — Brenda D.

February 18, 2005
Yes, in fact from reading here a lot of people actually lose so much fat from their breasts that they need augmentation. I was one of them. I still recall a cousin coming up to me asking where my breasts were! The first plastic surgeon I saw said he could lift me and I would have "teeny, tiny little a cups." His exact words! I ended up getting the aug.
   — Lisa N M.

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