I take Lamictal now and PCP wants me to take Wellbutrin to help stop smoking..

I have had a huge difficulty stopping smoking, I can't figure out why I even picked it back up after 6 years, but now I can't seem to stop again. My PCP wants to prescribe Wellbutrin, I already take Lamictal and have several years. I am bi-polar, and it has helped alot with the manic episodes. However I have gone weak when it comes to smoking, so much so that I have never smoked more than 1 pack a day and am now up to 2 packs a day. Have joined a exercise program and working out at home but still can't seem to put the ugly things down, have tried several times but I become ugly in no time. Waiting a call back from my pysch doc for his input, but just wondering how any else weathered through this. I know part is I have too much time on my hands with being laid off from work and difficult finding a new job and my son back in school, so I am home alone all day, only so much cleaning you can do in a day. LOL Any suggestions or advice. I am waiting to hear from my pysch doc before deciding anything. Just curious. Thanx so much. Patricia 9-3-03 RNY 314/159 past goal    — pateblkbrn (posted on September 16, 2004)

September 16, 2004
I have taken wellbutrin for years and it has not helped me at all with this monkey on my back?I think nicotine addiction is the hardest thing to deal with,I wish u the best of luck.
   — Debbie George

September 16, 2004
I'm not a smoker but I am bi-polar. I currently take Lamictal, Lexapro & Klonopin but I have taken Wellbutrin before. When I was on the Wellbutrin I could not stand the smell of a cigarette. My husband smoked at the time and I couldn't stand to be in the room with him. Then later, when he tried to quit smoking, he used my wellbutrin and nicotine patches to stop. They worked. He has not smoked in 3+ years. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs. May God bless you and give you the strength to quit. Jeanette (8/25/04)Lap RNY 330/304
   — jnetk

September 16, 2004
I am bipolar and have been taking Lamictal and Wellbutrin for a year now. I also take Strattera and Xanx when needed. This combo has worked wonders for me!
   — sunkissed kid

September 16, 2004
Thank you so much for your answers, it really means alot to hear from people who have been there. This is a wonderful site, with some of the most wonderful people. Again Thanx, Patricia
   — pateblkbrn

September 16, 2004
We tend to replace one addiction (food) with another. This could be your case. Have you talked to someone about this?
   — Linda R.

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