Does everyone have the same amount TT drain tubes

Does everyone w/ a "standard TT have about the same amount of draining tubes? It seems as some people have up to 6-7 on this site. I am confused since my PS says I will have only 1 drain (the size of a granade) He is board certified and highly recommended. Thanks    — Cindee A. (posted on May 25, 2004)

May 24, 2004
I had 4 drains in November when I had a full hysterectomy and a partial or mini tummy tuck that removed the lower pannus only. Due to my hernia, I couldn't have the upper portion of my stomach done then. Just last month I had the hernia repaired with full abdominoplasty with muscle tightening and I had 6 drains. I have a very very cautious plastic surgeon and he loves drain tubes. I called them my testicles as they lay in that general area. They are a royal pain in the rear with trying to find something to wear that will hide their bulk and look decent. I will say at my pre-op surgery visit, he told me he may have as much as 3 in and I was thinking thank God since I had 4 before, but when I woke up, I had 6 in and after 5 days in the hospital, he left them all in until I was a complete week post-op. He pulled 3 at that time and then I had the other 3 pulled 3 days later. By the way, when they are pulled out, you hardly even feel it except possibly when they snip the stitches holding them in.
   — Tparker

May 24, 2004
I had 'two'...
   — star .

May 24, 2004
The answer is that every surgeon is different. Just because one surgeon uses one drain and another uses 6, doesnt mean that one is better than the other.

May 25, 2004
I didnt have any drains when i had my tuck.i had a drain following my csection,,but none for my TT.everysurgeon is differant.i suggest a pant leg girdle to help with the swelling and to keep that area tight.good luck to you.Tracey
   — traceybubbles

May 25, 2004
I only had 2 drains. 1 came out after 3 days and the other after a week. It could depend on how extensive the TT. I just had a Panniculectomy but a full Abdominoplasty may require more.
   — bbjnay

May 26, 2004
I only had 2 drain tubes. One came out at 7 days and the other at 10 days. I think a lot has to do with the types of incisions they make. A lot of people have the anchor cut which I think requires more drains. I had the hip to hip incision.
   — Patty H.

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