Extensive plastic surgery will be

I'm interested in having abdominoplasty, breast reduction/lift, thighs and butt done. I'm wondering what the total cost of each of the procedures are and I'm also wondering if a lower body lift will take care of the stomach, thighs and butt. What exactly does a lower body lift entail? Please email me....    — Nikki D. (posted on October 11, 2003)

October 11, 2003
The PS's I consulted with seemed to have different definitions of a LBL. Based on my particular situation I am likely going to have two procedures to fix from below breasts through upper outer thighs. Due to the extensive amount of work and my particular anatomy the surgeon, I plan to go with, said he would prefer to do below the navel as either an abdominoplasty or belt lipectomy and then do above the navel a few months later when the blood supply to the lower area has been reestablished. In a sence it's the upper half of an abdominoplasty for the 2nd procedure. At first I was bent on one procedure but after we discussed it and he explained the situation I am okay with two. The 2nd one won't be nearly as extensive as the first. <p>Check out a belt lipectomy as it works on all the lower body things you mention. It doesn't do a true thigh lift but pulls the outer thighs and butt up. For me it might be enough just to get some tension on the thighs, although when I was shaving yesterday I found this huge hunk of fat hanging down and wonder how it will ever get down to something reasonable. Right now the thighs fit into any pants that the gut fits into, but if the gut is gone it could be a problem for the thighs. <p>Onto your cost question. I was told $5000 for panniculectomy, $7200 for abdominoplasty and about $9000-10,000 for belt lipectomy. My 2nd procedure will run around $4000. This would fix the loose and hanging skin in the upper abdominal area as well as back, waist etc. He anticipates in both procedures of having to take a wedge shaped piece of skin out to get down to the shape underneath. This is in addition to the horizontal cuts each surgery will require. Like I said it's not quite the norm but what seems appropriate for my body. We did not discuss thighs and butt as a separate cost. The last thing I need is a breast reduction. A lift would be nice but I think I'll save the money and invest in quality supportive bras. Arms run about $3000. I'm afraid I'm going to turn into a PS addict. While I have no desire for a model type body I'm afraid once I see the wonderful results of the first surgery I'll want it all gone. YIKES. I'll have to work till I'm 90 to pay for it. Not to mention the whole new wardrobe I will need again. I'm a bad enough clothesaholic already, what will it be then? All of the costs I gave you are based on having it done in my surgeon's surgery center in Neenah WI. If done at the hospital it will be more. If insurance will cover the abdominoplasty then I think I will opt to have it done at the hospital. As of now they have denied me but we are gathering lots more info and I hope to be able to turn that decision around without actually filing a claim appeal. The PS will call and discuss with them once I have all the letters I've asked for from other doctor's and surgeons. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

October 12, 2003
I think you'll find that the LBL doesn't really affect the lower butt that much. I went to MX and had the the beltlipectomy done for about $5K. Hips, outer thighs, upper butt, back, etc were all good with it. Inner thighs would be additional about $2500 I think and that's the same for the arms. Breasts were about $4K I think. If you were to do the LBL it would be like the beltlipectomy with an inner thigh lift so that would be like combining two surgeries already. I had it without the thigh lift and as it was it was a big surgery to recover from. My PS suggested combining the arm lift with the breast lift that way when he did it that roll of skin along the side where your bra sits would be removed during the process. So you might want to check out to see what they are willing to combine and exactly what all the surgeries will take care of and make sure you discuss all the areas you want to make changes to (mons pubis during your TT, that roll under your bra edge with arms/breasts, lower butt, whatever). Besides getting results faster with combining surgeries it means less times of having to go under for surgery as well as can save you some money. I know my surgeon gives a price break when combining surgeries. When you're self pay it helps to find ways to cut costs. Good luck in completing your journey!
   — Shelly S.

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