I had a Wellbutrin pill stuck in my stoma -- OUCH!
Yesterday, I took my Wellbutrin pill yesterday morning and somehow that puppy got stuck -- I suspect in my stoma -- and I wanted to pass out! I hadn't experienced pain like that since labor with my boys. As a result of the constant vomiting and heaving trying to get that pill unstuck, I had rip-roaring, spasmatic-like heartburn and bad headaches. 24-hours later, I still feel the affects. I never, ever want to experience it again, so I'm afraid to take that blasted pill. It is only slightly bigger than a regular M&M, so I'm unsure about why it got stuck. Maybe the thick red coating or something. It is not the SR type, so I wonder if I can cut it up. Anyway, I wanted to find out what others did for 'stuck pill syndrome' and how you came to trust pills again. Thanks so much. — Felissa L. (posted on January 15, 2002)
January 15, 2002
Oh no! I have to take Wellbutrin too! So far no problems though. I would be
afraid to split it as it would have a sharp end then, plus what if it is
time release and screws it up? I'd ask your pharmacist and or surgeon about
— Danmark
January 15, 2002
Oh man... I hear you on pain!! Just over a week out I got either my
Wellbutrin or Effexor stuck in my stoma and it was horrendous!! I even had
major black stools for days afterwards! My doctor told me to start taking
my pills with a spoonful of yogurt to give them a kind of "pad"
to land! My pills are SR or extended release, so I can't chop them
up, but as long as you are not on the SR, you are allowed to chop that baby
up into tiny pieces and mix it with a touch of yogurt, applesauce, pudding,
etc to make it go down without bitterness.
Good luck!! If you start getting black stools, though... Call your surgeon
FAST!!! It could have torn something and need to be fixed.
— Sharon H.
January 17, 2002
The VERY FIRST TIME that I took my first of the four daily bariatric
vitamins it got stuck. It was awful. Nothing, including water stayed down
for two days. Needless to say, it will be a really loooooooooooong time
until I take anything else in pill form! I actually open my capsules and
blend two of them into two protein shakes I drink daily. I guess this
doesn't help in your exact situation except that both our stories may warn
newbies about the possibility of something like this happening. Good luck.
— Julie S.
August 16, 2002
I dont remember exactly where I read this, but, it said that if you get a
pill or large piece of meat stuck,,,to put 1/4 tsp meat tenderizer in 1 oz
of warm water and sip. You might want to check with your Dr on this..but it
does make sense!!! Nancy Poe
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