No weight loss

There are weeks that I do not loose any weight at all. It has been four months since my surgery and I have lost 53.5 lbs. will the weight continue to come off? There are some foods that I still cannot digest, and regurgitate is this normal?    — newmannnewman (posted on December 8, 2009)

December 8, 2009
Yes, just keep following the program. Your weight loss for 4 months is fantastic. There are going to be foods that you will not be able to eat for a while. Try them again in a few months. You may be okay then or you may never be able to eat them again. Try different things. I can not eat any breakfast meats which I used to love. I have tried several things but with the first bite, I can tell that is not going to work. Make sure you are chewing well and slowly. Do not drink with your meals, that can make you throw up also. Hang in there, the weight will come off.
   — Kathy Thomas

December 8, 2009
You are still at the beginning of your post-op, I have lost 220 pounds and there going to be weeks that you won't lose anything. Stick with your protein first and eat like your supposed to. You will lose weight. It is not going to fall of overnight. I used to get frusterated when I didn't lose at least a pound a week. Sometimes it just doesn't happen. I am 19 months post op and still losing. The losing process will continue for over a year. You have plenty of time and don't worry..As long as you are eating the way your supposed to, you can't go wrong. Just be patient, you didn't gain it overnight (even though it seems like you did lol)..Good luck and congratulations...
   — okbuffy

December 8, 2009
I had my surgery 4 months ago,and so far I have lost 75 lbs. I am having a most difficult time with eating too. I have to supplement with protein shakes. I will throw up at least once a week and it is horrible, the folks at my support group says it is normal, does this ever cease??????
   — FSUMom

December 8, 2009
Meet with your nutritionist. At some point in your weight loss, some people have to adjust their caloric intake higher or lower. I found out I was not eating ENOUGH to lose weight. I switched to five tiny meals a day and ramped up my activity/exercise. Make sure you are still drinking your 60 to 80 ounces of water along with getting the protien and veggie.
   — cydthekid50

December 8, 2009
I had surgery three years ago (RNY)and still have truble digesting breads and pastas. Also, I never weighed myself. I waited until I went to the doctor's office so it always looked like I'd drop a lot. I knew I was loosing weight, just didn't stew over not loosing a pound. If you stick to the diet plan and get in some exercise (my hardest part) you will lose weight.
   — Muggs

December 8, 2009
I have periods when I don't lose any weight and then I start losing again. I have heard that other people do too. The explanation I've received is that your body tries to adjust to the new input of food and exercise. One thing that can be done is to try to change your routine. Try a different kind of excercise or step up intensity if you can. Or one thing to do is just wait it out. I had one of these periods of holding steady receintly and then the weight started to drop off again. No clue why. Remember you didn't get fat overnight so you won't lose it overnight.
   — lucyfur

December 9, 2009
You are doing awesome, keep it up. I am 9 months out and still have issues with some food, such is life I suppose. It is important to remember that our bodies need to catch up every once in awhile. You will have a week where you don't lose weight, but I get if you measured your body you would find that you have lost inches. That is because our bodies are amazing creatures. Occasionally, they need to just readjust fat distribution. No worries if it is just a week...
   — lmw9674

December 9, 2009
I agree with Lynn it is almost certain that during those weeks you are not losing lbs you are losing inches. That is what my surgeon told me before I even had the surgery. You are doing great just keep it up and you will start losing the lbs again =)
   — callen3640

December 15, 2009
You failed to mention which procedure you had. There are periods when you will loose mass but very little weight.
   — rkurquhart

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