Is it possible to loose weight after 2 surgeries

I had a nonadjustable band removed and had a RNY 2 months ago. I've only lost 15 pounds, as my pouch was stretched from vomiting. There is not anything I can't eat, no systoms of wls. I'm trying to diet because they say the first 6 months is the honeymoon period for loosing weight. I'm very discussed at times. Especially when I think of the money and the pain I put my family through. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.    — 918nola (posted on July 8, 2009)

July 8, 2009
I haven't had my surgery yet but I keep reading something called the 5 day pouch test. From what I understand, it's suppose to get you stomach back into shape right after surgery
   — Kathleen W.

July 9, 2009
Sounds like you are having a hard time of it. You say the pouch is streched due to vomiting. Why were you vomiting? This is not likely after only two months. Did the doctor say it was streched? Eat slow and careful. This si a learning process, give it time. Be sure you eat your protien and avaid the carbs.
   — trible

July 10, 2009
Well, there is always therapy to help you understand why you continue to over eat to the point you have stretched your pouch and vomit when you eat...For whatever reasons, you have not made important changes to eat right and follow the rules of your surgery...This is more than having surgery on your stomach...This starts in your head...That is a different ball game...You have to dig deep and figure out WHY you over eat and why you need food as comfort or a drug...We all have been in your shoes and have eating disorders. THAT DOES NOT CHANGE! Surgery for many of us is our last resort from our destructive eating behavoirs. Many of us during the decision to have surgery, are so scared and so in deperate need of being healthy that we know and understand the life style changes we MUST make...Then there are the handful, like you that have, buried deep, the reasons that you have not made those changes and no surgery can help you without dealing with what is in your head and your heart, sweetie...You deserve to be healthy and thin and my suggestion is to find a good therapist that deals with eating disorders...It's not a bad thing to see a doesn't make you crazy or anything...It just means there are things you have not dealt with well and those things need to be resolved before you can begin to make changes that last. You need to KNOW you deserve this and that you are worth the hard work it takes to lose and maintain weight loss! It's NOT EASY especially we are our own worst enemies! So consider therapy...and if not...Dig deep...Your family loves you enough that it pains them to see you you must be someone worth loving, sweetie! Tell yourself that you deserve this and look to your family for comfort rather than food...When you are stressed...reach for a hug rather than an extra bite to eat...Challenge yourself...Keep the rules in front of you...Measure your food and only enough that you are not hungry! You will be so surprized how little you need to eat so that you don't feel hungry! Don't try to get that full feeling from food. You don;t need that anymore!!!!Get that full feeling from the love of your family... and place food second rather than first...It's a learned and new behavior that is NOT easy...but you must change those things before your surgery can really work for you! I wish you much luck with this and I hope you learn how much you are worth the effort to work harder!
   — .Anita R.

July 10, 2009
What is your eating plan like? What restrictions or "eat lots of" were you given?
   — vitalady

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