RNY surgery in a few days.!!!!!!!!!!

what should i prepare for? im scared of the whole procedure. actually im scared of death.. im scared of failure.. what if the operation fails? something goes wrong during the procedure? im scared of ALL of he WHAT IF'S.. i really feel low.. help??    — halahmad (posted on September 8, 2008)

September 8, 2008
I am sorry I don't totally understand what your scared of becuase when I had my surgery on 8/25/07 I was so at peace. I was not nervous or scared in anyway. Maybe it was because I had wait for so long for this...who knows. But I can tell you maybe the things to worry about is the "what if's" if you don't have the surgery. I know before I had my knees were going back hurt all the health was failing, and blood pressure was on the rise and my cholesteral....lets not even talk about that....but since I have had my surgery...everything is wonderful...I did have to have surgery on my knee after my stomach surgery but got thru it with flying colors....and I feel absolutely wonderful. Every day I wake up thanking myself for taking that step toward helping myself become a healthy person and wanting to keep living. There is so much in store for you (a whole new life) that you have no clue was even there before. I feel better about everything in my life right now that I have ever before. I have a better relationship with my kids (which are all grown now) we do things almost every day now. Where before I didn't have the energy to do it. If you worry about anything you should worry about the "what if's" of nothing have this procedure done. Good luck...and I wish the best for you because you are going to be amazed how wonderfully happy you are going to become!!! Best of luck, Kim
   — Kim82507

September 8, 2008
you really should not be scared of anything. Your dr and the anest. have been doing this type of operation for a long time and have come across many different situations and have handled all of them with happy recovered patients. the oper room is equipped with every and any kind of appratus to deal with your surgery. your Dr has done this thousands of times so don't be scared of anything. Good Luck and remember you will be skinny before you know it!!!!!! TinaBigGirl in FL
   — Tina B.

September 8, 2008
If you are a worrier, then you're going to be a what if you need milk from the store? Worry because the floor might be slippery and I might fall and bread my leg. My kids are going to school, but someone may kidnap them. I have to get some gas but someone may smoke, drop a cigarette and cause an explosion and I might die. My husband could kiss me and it could be a strain on his heart and he may have a cardiac arrest. My mother may come to visit and the car could malfunction and never get her here. I bet you could think of hundred of other senarios, but that is all they are. You cannot control everything that goes on. Just think about the good things and expect them to happen. I was thrilled about my surgery and at total peace when I had it. If I had been nervous and not had it, I could have ended up with a cardiac, amputations, strokes, liver damage, kidney failure, blindness and just plain good old death in a few years. Don't be nervous about what you can't control. Be confident in your doctor and your God. Lyn
   — SkinnyLynni2B

September 8, 2008
Dont be scared. Just think fo what the out come is going to be. You will be fine. Hopefully you have complete faith in your dr and hes a good reliable dr. You really cant prepare too much. All your going to have in the beginning is water and sugar free jello. carnation sugar free instant breakfast. If you follow everything your dr tells you to do from the start there will be no failure. I weighed 274 LBS when I went in for surgery I now weigh 138 LBS. I am 5' 6". I am the happiest i have ever been. I was scared too, i think everyone is. if your not your not normal. Thin k positive and do what the dr tells you to do. You will be fine. Good luck and let us know how your doing.
   — Joanc

September 8, 2008
I was scared too, but I wanted this surgery so bad, and had spent hours in the days before my surgery looking through "before and after" photos and day-dreaming about my "after". I just forced myself to do it, in spite of my fears and reminded myself of how the odds were wayyyyyyyy in my favor, and of all the success stories here on OH. Every before and after picture I looked at represented someone who had successfully gotten through surgery and recovery. I just told myself - "just get it over with" and that's what I did. it's ok to feel scared, and it's normal to feel scared, but the odds are in your favor and I truly, in my heart of hearts, believe you will be just fine.... God bless you and keep you, Amen
   — Gina S.

September 8, 2008
Thank you all for your support. I really appreciate it.
   — halahmad

September 8, 2008
I am 4 days post-op laparoscopic gastric sleeve, and know exactly how you are feeling, because I had those same feelings. My surgeon said there are few that don't get scared and start doubting whether it is the right thing or not. I had been researching gastric surgery for over 5 years and trying to get it approved through my insurance. Then, all of a sudden it was approved and things were moving too smoothly! Also, on the day I came home (overnight stay), my doctor said to me - "Right about now most are saying to themselves 'WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?'" And he was right. But each day is getting better, and I am doing okay, and no regrets! This is a major step in your life - and of course you are going to get scared and have doubts. But sit down and think about the reasons you need this surgery. You'll probably still be scared, but you will realize how important it is for you to proceed.
   — Wendy M.

September 8, 2008
what if....everything turns out great? what have a textbook surgery? what lost all your weight in the 18 month to 2 year window??? yup -- lots of what if's
   — RCassety

September 9, 2008
Sounds like you need a peace that surpasses all understanding. Sounds like you need prayer for a peace in your spirit and that the surgery will go just wonderfully and that you'll heal just fine! I'll be praying for you! STAY POSITIVE and feel blessed that you are one of the fortunate ones who are able to have this life-changing experience! :)
   — Susan L.

September 9, 2008
This is why they insist on your having a support base. You need support from people like those on this site. Prepare? You should stock up on the foods, vitamins and minerals you will need after the surgery. You may want to have a pillow to hold against your abdomen when you cough, especially if you have an open surgery. Determine to do the walking and exercise even if you have to force yourself to get started. It gets better and becomes habit if you do it 5 days per week. Walk regularly and have an alternative for inclimate weather. Definitely follow the guidelines they give you for the food, and nutrients. Most of all your preparations most needed are mental and spiritual. God never promised grace until we have need of it. Exercise your faith, or learn how to have some. You should be confident in your surgeon, your decision, and in your capabilities to do what is required. If you don't have these, you might need some counseling before you have this surgery. I worried over dying too, but the surgery is safer, today, than most other serious surgeries, including gall bladder surgery. In the past, there were as much as one fatality in one-hundred GB surgeries. This is no longer true, and it is more like one in one thousand today. Any surgery can be fatal, I have seen wisdom teeth extraction and tonsillectomies result in death, but you can die by stepping off a curb as a neighbor of mine did. During a heat wave, my next door neighbor in Texas walked one mile to the store and died when he walked into his apartment. A church friend died mowing his lawn on a riding lawn mower one July 4th. We are not promised tomorrow, but we are given today, and we have to learn to trust tomorrow to the One who gave us today. If that is hard for you, have faith in yourself and, again, the surgical staff and family and friends. Be sure you know your surgeon and his background. If you investigate it will only increase your trust in him and if it doesn't, you need to know anyway, right? You'll be amazed at how long it took to work through all this after the surgery, and you'll be so glad you went ahead a year down the road. Everyone has pre-surgery jitters...everyone wonders why in the world they are going through with this going in. Afterward, you begin the journey to the rest of your life and have an opportunity you could not have had without the surgery. Good luck and don't hesitate to contact me if I can help. Dusty
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

September 10, 2008
I did not post this question but I am in the info stage and after reading the responces to your question, I too need to find comfort and peace. The answers in this post has helped me along with prayer. Thanks
   — Cbear429

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