Does anyone heard about sugar free protein bars ?

   — cutiecute123 (posted on August 6, 2008)

August 6, 2008
I use a brand called "Pure Protein". They have 20g of protein and only 2 g of sugar. They are 190 calories. They do have 6 g of sugar alcohol. They are good and I use them to help me get enough protein. I like the chocolate peanut butter but there are other flavors that are equally good. Just read the labels for sugar content and protein grams. Caroline
   — Caroline Garber

August 6, 2008
I bought "think thin" bars and they are sugar free, gluten free and 20g of protein. I have Brownie crunch. Can't eat yet cause I am on liquids but it sounds YUMMY!!!!! I also have some snickers Marathon bars and they only have 1g of sugar. But today I did see some sugar free protein bars in a pack didn't take much interest.
   — bridgadean

August 6, 2008
Good luck! I bought a bunch of different bars pre surgery and loved them. Couldn't wait to get to where I could eat them post surgery...YUCK! I cannot stomach them at all! It is like eating poison. Same with protein milkshakes like Skinny Milk and Adkins. My tastes have changed 200%. Lyn
   — SkinnyLynni2B

August 6, 2008
   — deb44m

August 7, 2008
Here's the thing about protein bars...If they are made with whey...there is lactose in whey which must be listed as a SUGAR...(Reason yogurt, milk, cheeses have sugars even if there is NSA). Low sugar protein bars are hard to find...Many protein bars are loaded with vitamins that are useless to the RNYer in that they use the most common forms of vitamins that are not absorbed by us, such as calcium carbonate, ferrous sulfate, Vit A,D,E as oil along with artificial preservatives and flavors too....WLS candy is all they are...LOL (I had a double chocolate one for lunch yesterday! LOL) Was not sugar free or carb free...probably why it didn't taste like monkey butt... My fav low carb low sugar protein bar is "Oh Yeah" wafers...They are by far the best tasting in my opinion...but I really hate protein powder, drinks and protein bars....Whey makes me sick I stick with the ones that like me! So far that's Zone Perfect bars and Oh Yeah wafers...Zone Perfect bars are not sugar free...I struggle with protein supps because I am weary of packaged, boxed or recipe ready foods...Oh I still use some...but the best most PURE protein is meat and fish...Beans and soy are almost complete protein... Protein bars give me an excuse to have chocolate and often trigger head hunger in me...So I struggle with them and try to use them very sparingly. But that's me...I've been going at this journey for almost 5 years now and it gets harder to avoid going back to old habits, so you learn to be cautious...This is me being cautious...Because sooner or later you stand there infront of the protein bars and you actually justify having a ton of sugar because ...well..."at least it has a lot fo protein...and look at all those vitamins, so what if it has a little too many carbs and sugar....We've all been MO and know the mind games don't stop with stomach surgery...The head still wants to be boss...So just be careful...Do protein bars in moderation...and eat real food for real success! Then each his own...
   — .Anita R.

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