Anyone experience weird spasms pre-op?

I am on day 5 of my three week pre-op liquid diet. All day I have had weird spasms in my upper abdomen. I can actually see my abdomen move! It is reminiscent of being pregnant all over again. No pain, nausea, vomiting or anything. Surgeon's nurse said she had never heard of anyone else having this symptom. Anyone out there in OH world ever experience this?    — gclark918 (posted on April 11, 2008)

April 11, 2008
Oh my God...Maybe you have an ALIEN!!!! Just kidding...I guess you tummy has an opinion of the liquids...Give it a name and talk to it maybe? I hope it's nothing serious and apoplgize if it seems so to you. I think it is the new you voicing it's opinion...But what do I know. Im evil, sorry...GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR SURGERY!!!!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 11, 2008
I have never heard of a 3 week liquied diet before surgery????
   — Joanc

April 11, 2008
I am not sure but it might be like a charlie horse you would get in your leg. You might try to get some potassium in specially if you have been on straight liquids. I know I some times get a muscle spasm in my stomach (preop) that is what my general pract doctor called it. Hope this helps.
   — Harley2006Angel

April 11, 2008
Post op on liquids, I had the problem like that and they determined that I had air there that I had not worked out from surgery. I started in the gym with just walking on the tred mill and using a cycle and it went away. I had a RNY.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 11, 2008
Sounds like what I used to experience before my surgery when I had problems with my spastic colon. Sometimes it hurt. Sometimes it didn't. It would just depend on how much gas was being produced by the spasms at the time I guess. I would GUESS that what you are experiencing is some form of what would be termed a "Spastic Colon" but I am not a medical expert. Your gut is probably not happy with what you are giving it. That would be MY guess. You may have an allergy to something that you are consuming that may trigger the spasms. Try changing your diet and eliminating certain foods and see if that makes a difference. The most COMMON allergens are proteins. These would be meats, dairy and Soy, grains and nuts. It IS possible to be allergic to carbohydrates but very unlikely. I am one of the FEW who IS. I am allergic to Sugar cane. Sugar BEET is apparently OK but I cannot consume sugar from CANE. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

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