problems with skim milk anyone?

Part I So, I'm 6 weeks post-op rny and i've tried to have skim milk twice now. Each time it curdles in my stomach and waits to be thrown up!! Is this normal, and if so, is it temporary, because i LOVE skim milk??!!. Also, could this be how i'll react to all dairy? Part II Has anyone tried having raisins?    — kels78 (posted on February 10, 2008)

February 10, 2008
Yup, I had the same thing happen. Try Soymilk or take Lactaid Chewables. Pills won't work. Raisins are a no-no. Have you looked at the amount of sugars they contain? Get yourself a good source for nutritional information, and go with that. Don't go by "someone else ate it and didn't get sick". You need to become a food detective and know what's in the food you eat. I use the Diet Organizer from DietOrganizer dot com, which helps a lot. Good Luck!
   — Shirley D.

February 10, 2008
For at least a month it is worth logging everything you eat and drink. I used which charges $9.0 per month. They ahve most can or packaged foods on line plus all fruits and vegatables. It allowed me to find the facts on what I was eating as a total amount for the day and see where I was making errors. After a month I just dropped it as I am confortable with the foods that I now eat, but I did a lot of word of mouth foods that turned out to work, but be wrong for my diet. I had a simular problem with skim milk, but I found that if I put in in my protein shake with ice cubes, it seems to go down OK. I use www. and their shakes give me 28 grams of protein with skim milk. I have a freind that had to go to soy milk and she like it with her shakes as well.
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 10, 2008
Hi, I'm also 6 weeks out with having the RNY, I cannot handle milk either. I was told buy the nurse to buy Lactaid milk or soy milk. She said in time I might be able to tolerate milk again..... I haven't tried raisins yet, but I have ate prunes due to constipation. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 10, 2008
I noticed early on that I could no longer tolerate most diary products. Try lactaid milk or soy milk. Some people can use the lactate pills and that helps them but I didn't receive any relief. I am approaching 3 years post op and I can just now eat "some" dairy things and not be sick. Good luck!
   — Ambitious

February 10, 2008
   — jddraft44

February 10, 2008
I never liked milk much pre op...but post op I became lactose intolerant and I drink soy milk now. (even 4 years post op) I can handle most all cheeses and yogurts and even cottage cheese...but not milk. It's not worth the pain it causes. Lactacid does work. Raisins should be eaten in moderation because they do have a lot of natural sugar, but they are a powerful antioxidant...Use them sparingly if at all for a while.
   — .Anita R.

February 10, 2008
Most of the time I am find with skim milk. I am three years out with the gastric by pass. Some people can't do skim milk and others can. At 6 wks though I did not. I did not even do raisins. So I would wait and try again. Or dilute the milk even more. i know that sounds odd but your body is different now and has to get use to things slowly.
   — tl_morgan

February 10, 2008
My best friend had WLS and kept having problems with milk curdling immediatly (like within 2 minutes) and throwing it back up within 2-5 minutes. It took a few doctors visits but she found out it was happening because of a medication she was taking (I can't remember what it was.. I think it was to help her sleep though). Withing 48 hours of coming off of the medication she could hold down milk just fine. You might check if any medications you are taking might have a milk interaction?
   — USNavyProde

February 10, 2008
I dont know about the mild but I have heard that Milk can be abother. I just ate oatmeal with raisins in it the other night and i felt so sick. There is a lot of sugar in them. I love raisinets too and I can eat a few if i need a chocolate fix but only a few.
   — Joanc

February 10, 2008
Hi Kay, thanks for writing. I love milk, but I have to work at drinking it after wls. I have never throw it up, being a liquid, I don't know how it would "sit" in your pouch, so I think that is odd. Sometimes I can't drink milk, but I keep working at it. I am 4 years out now, so I think it will be a lifetime challenge, but milk has way too much value for me to stop. Also, I eat raisins all the time. You are only 6 weeks out, so be careful, but again, they have a good value. I don't know that I started that early with raisins, but I love them and eat them with peanuts all the time. They help keep my stool soft, have potassium and are good to eat. Just watch your quantity, and I would personally hold off for a few more months before starting to eat them. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

February 11, 2008
I was a huge milk lover. Had become lactose intolerant before my WLS. I use half 'n half when I want to cook something like scalloped potatoes or non-dairy creamer. It's very possible that you'll remain lactose intolerant, but that does not include cheese, sour cream, cream cheese......... only the SUGAR portion of milk. I've had raisins, a few. High in sugar, so will make me fat again, but 5-6 in my hand is a nice treat.
   — vitalady

February 11, 2008
For your protein shakes, if you are looking for whey protein, which is an excellent quality protein, look for Whey Protein Isolate, not Whey Protein Concentrate. -------------------------------------------------------- Whey Protein ISOLATE = Negligible Lactose Whey Protein cONCENTRATE = More lactose, sometimes a LOT. Jerome UNJURY Protein

February 12, 2008
Try Lactaid milk. I had the same problem but I seem to do okay with the Lactaid 1% milk. GOOD LUCK !!
   — AngelaC.

February 12, 2008
The problem I have with milk is that is has too much sugar in it! Milk (even skim) usually has 11 -13 grams of sugar! There is a dairy beverage that wal-mart carries. It is called CALORIE COUNTDOWN by Hood. It works great to mix with things and cook with. I haven't tried drinking it on its own.
   — neisha =.

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