Is there a gold standard of birth control following a Roux N Y bypass?

   — jlw0423 (posted on December 28, 2006)

December 28, 2006
My doctor told me to use the patch or do the depo shots. My GYN OB sugest that I do depo for awhile then switch over to the patch. She doesnt want me to stay on the depo longer than a year because I would want children after two years of surgery. When you come off the depo shots, it takes about a year to be able to conceive. Then if I stay on the patch another year and come off, I should be able to conceive in three months. I've heard that the depo shot can make you gain weight. This is my first month being on it so I dont know yet. Hopefully I wont.
   — barfiep01

December 28, 2006
I just used condoms. They worked for me.
   — jjeanniespets1

December 28, 2006
Its me again. I also wanted to say is it might be best for you to talk with your doctor or Gyn Ob about this. They should be able to tell you what is best for you. I do know that the depo shots can weaken your bones over a period of time. Thats another reason why me doctor did not want me to stay on the shots longer than a year. But she did say this birth control is about the strongest you can take.
   — barfiep01

December 28, 2006
Just a tad bit of knowledge. I know that docs say the depo shot is good and you should be able to get pregnant after a year or so being off of it. However, I have a friend of mine that was on the shot and has now been off of it for 2 years and 3 months and has yet to get a regular period or get pregnant. Her ob blames it on the depo shot. I also have another friend that used the depo shot and gained about 60 lbs from it. Just some info for you. I personally do not take bc because breast cancer runs in my family. I am just very careful by tracking my cycles on and using protection when the time is necessary.
   — *Malena* M.

December 28, 2006
This is originally my question. I am 37 and already have three children, don't want anymore, so fertility isn't an issue for me, my big concern is weight gain.
   — jlw0423

December 28, 2006
I am using Nuvaring. It's a vaginal insert so you don't have to worry about a pill. I've read people on this site saying they got pregnant from it, but I've never had a problem.
   — seanna

December 29, 2006
What about getting your tubes tied? Then you won't have to worry about an oops. I have heard that people are way more fertile after surgery and it is very common for bc to not work at all.
   — *Malena* M.

December 29, 2006
This is for Malena's last response. People like myself that has not have children yet and want to have children dont want to get their tubes tied. Thats not even an option. My reason of having surgery is to help my health. And one of my health issues is not being fertile. I'm sorry to hear that one of your friends cant conceive and the other gain 60lbs after doing the depo shot. But everyone is different. I know people that has done the depo shot and never gain a pound and able to have children. I know people that has gain weight after doing the depo shot (not 60lbs). Everyone is different. I want to make sure for at least the first year I dont get pregnant. That would not be fair for a unborn child that could result having birth defects for the fact I'm selfish and dont want to gain weight. If you see that you are putting weight on after the depo shot, dont do it again. I know the purpose of this surgery is to lose weight, but you dont want to jeopardize two lifes.
   — barfiep01

December 29, 2006
My doc told me I could go back on my pills after two weeks. He was concerned with the whole blood clot thing after surgery. I do not need them for birth control because my husband is fixed however I need them to regulate my periods or all hell breaks loose. I'll bleed forever if I don't take them. I don't want to use any other method. Condoms are out as I am allergic to latex.
   — Rebekkah T.

December 29, 2006
I got prego on the depo shot, I am 4 months out. I do not think there is anything that is a sure thing.
   — Shelly M.

December 30, 2006
I was taught (through UCLA's bariatric classes) that the BC pill no longer absorbs properly into the body because it normally is absorbed in the bottom of the stomach, which no longer sees food/drugs after it has been separated from the new pouch. My OB/GYN recommends the Nuvaring which I intend to start using as soon as possible. I am 11 days post-op and was told to wait 30 days before resuming birth control. Hope that helps!
   — LabLover821

January 2, 2007
I had to be off Yasmin birth control pills one month before and one month after surgery to reduce the risks of blood clots. However, after that, my surgeon and OB/GYN assured me that birth control pills would be just as effective. One year out and even with the possible increased fertility due to weight loss, I have not gotten pregnant. Good luck!
   — Tigs

January 11, 2007
I haven't had the surgrey yet. But I am familiar with the depo and I was on it for a year and half. Now off for about 4yrs and still haven't concieved and Yes you do gain weight I gain 50lbs. But going to lose it soon =0) Good luck with your decision.
   — Lily G.

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