Has anyone had gastric bypass after a surgery to correct Hiatal hernia?

Curious, if anyone has had the hiatal hernia fixed and then had this surgery? THey wrap top part of your stomach around esophagas. What was your experience?    — theirmom05 (posted on March 17, 2006)

March 17, 2006
that surgery you discribe was not to repair the hiatal hernia, it was to stop the gerd because you had or are developing barrettes esophagas, a very severe gerd where the lining of the esophages mutates to stomach lining and produces acid itself. it has a very high icidicense of cancer. you should have a edo every year for the rest of your life, the surgery is a nissan fundiplication. because you had that surgery you can now only have a DS. the part that they used to wrap around your esop is the funduis, that would be the pouch in a rny, or the part that would be banded. this surgery the surgery is deemed so unique that nine bariactric surgeon in NJ,alabama,or. and NY have concluded that only Dr Gagner, or dr Herron have the expertise to do this, they have done so at least once before. Aetna will allow an exception to the exlusion to the no DS because of a nissan wrap, being in place. and it is expected that tricare is also, my appeals are pending. do write me, I am now seeing a gastroslogist/esophgist/cancer expert in barretts, Barretts is rare and so is this type of doctor. but esoh cancer is very common, and like colon cancer is discovered too late, so you must stay on top of it. do right me, and at least search google for barrettes, and visit the DS forum.
   — walter A.

March 18, 2006
With all due respect to Walter, this is from someone who had the Nissen and then went on to have a very successful RNY. As Walter said they do not fix the hernia, they do the Nissen, which is where they wrap a portion of the stomach around the esophagus to tighten the opening and prevent the back flow of the GERD. My surgeon is wonderful, told me up front my procedure would have to be be open because she first had to "take down" the Nissen because they need that part of your stomach back to form your new pouch, and then she went on to do the RNY. I am getting close to my 5 year anniversary, I went from an all time high of 330 to 145 with ease, but regretably there has been a regain, for two reasons. The first is my fault, I returned to some bad habits in regards to food and secondly, just yesterday I had an endoscopy and they found my stoma (opening from pouch to intestine) was considerably larger than normal. They also found an ulcer (stomach pain was the reason for having the scope done) and I am now on Prilosec and Carafate. I am dealing with the regain by going back to the basics of my surgeon's original plan; protein drinks 3-30g shakes a day, at a minimum, suuplementing like I am supposed to, cutting out carbs, sugars, Diet Coke, starting to walk, etc. and the scale is slowly going back the other direction. So, you can have a lap band, DS or RNY following a Nissen Fundoplication. It's been a wonderful ride and I am so grateful to be on it still, in spite of the bumps in the road. My profile has my surgeon's info. on it. Blessings to you on your journey and feel free to contact me if you want more info.
   — ALF

March 18, 2006
Anita, I am glad to read your response and hear of your success. I also had a nissan fundoplication surgery done about 10years ago due to severe gerd/reflux and am about 1.5yrs post rny. I was told by my doc he had to go open vs doing it lap so he could see everything. Well long story short my undid itself anyways....who knew!!! (xrays showed still partially attached ..must have gone undone in the mean time). Now the doc who did my rny says they are looking into doing rny surgeries (but not making the stomach so small) to help with the gerd reflux issue. Wish I knew now back then! Take care and good luck in your journey. Julie M
   — Julie M.

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