Is anyone taking Celebrex after RNY?

I take Celebrex for arthritis in my hands and shoulders. My family doctor said it would still be ok to take Celebrex after RNY. I told him that NSAID's not allowed but he said it was a safe drug but that he would prescribe pantolic to counter act the acid. I asked if there was any non NSAID's I could take and he said Tylenol Arthritis, which is just not going to cut it. Please help I don't want to be in more pain after surgery than I am before surgery. p.s. I read the posts on Celebrex but they were posted in 2002, wondering if there is new info out there. Thanks :)    — tbalmer (posted on April 13, 2010)

April 13, 2010
I took celebrex for arthrist for over three years and never had any problems with it. My doctor told me that it was fine. I would have bloodwork every 6 months to sure everything was alright. i ws taking it for a couple of years before my RNY. Hope this helps.
   — Farmerwoman101

April 13, 2010
I am in almost your exact same situation. I take celebrex after having my surgery almost two years ago. I use it very very sparingly. That is just a decision I reached on my own, but it may not be right for everyone. It just boils down to whether I want to suffer with joint pain or risk a chance of hurting my pouch. So far I am doing well with it. I have such severe pain sometimes that I just take the risk.
   — katiecakes

April 14, 2010
My surgeon took me off everything but Tylenol after surgery. My PCP prescribed Tramadol for me and that was OK with my surgeon. The Tramadol worked for me but I needed it less and less as I lost weight. I went from three a day to one.
   — Muggs

April 14, 2010
I take Celebrex daily, sometimes twice daily. My surgeon was going to put me on Prilosec. However, I was already on Nexium as needed, so he has me take that along with the Celebrex. I have not had any problems, I also am on Coumadan and have not had any bleeding problems. Everyone is different though, so take your Dr.s advice.
   — sandorah

April 14, 2010
My surgeon had no problem with Celebrex, I also take it and Nexium daily.
   — Michelle B.

April 14, 2010
I'm 4 weeks post-op. My doctor said I could take the Celebrex if I need it and that it was one of the safer NSAID choices. I plan to wait as long as possible before taking it to allow for healing, but I will take it if I need it. I also take Prilosec daily.
   — Gail T.

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