Doctor supervised diet after weight goal acheived???

I was wondering if the dietitian of nutritionalist follows your diets after the surgery and if it continues after the goal is met. I see alot of people posting that they can eat almost anything and even drink alcohol. The calories in alcohol are a killer and no nutritional value. Conserns me that bad eating habits are what got us in this position in the first place. I think that I would try sticking with a diet perscribed by a dietitian familiar with the surgery. I would hate to ruin my chance of staying thin. Any input any one on this?? ( I am just starting out on this journey.OHIP sent and awaiting consult apointment in December)    — OntarioSilk (posted on September 8, 2009)

September 8, 2009
I can only speak for myself but my weight problem wasn't due to what I was eating, per se; it was the amount I was eating. I would eating a whole box of scalloped potatoes by myself or a serving of mashed potatoes the size of a small plate. So with the RNY it helped me to only eat a small amount. Post op your pouch is only able to hold a few ounces. But over time, naturally it will stretch out, not a lot but post op at 3.5 yrs out I can eat about a small plate size, the size plate I would eat of mashed potatoes, but now it is my whole meal on that plate. I don't eat a lot of meat, but I get my protein through other forms of food. I hope this helps answer some of your questions. It is all about portion control for me.
   — Kristy

September 8, 2009
my surgeon DOES ask that we visit post op-- but mostly the visits are only every 6 months (after the initial 1 week, 1 month, 3 month visits). they ask about what you are eating and recommend that you follow up with the nutritionist regularly. i also attend support group meetings that are held at his office. the RN and nutritionist are there to assist and the doctors show up at the last 15 minutes of the meeting to address questions that we have. as far as drinking alcohol, while obviously nobody should drink on a regular basis, i was specifically told by the doctor that having an occasional alcoholic beverage will not sabotage weight loss efforts as long as we count that into our caloric intake for the day (i.e. if you're on weight watchers-- you just have to count it as part of your "points").
   — greenpunchbuggie

September 8, 2009
I don't have a doctor supervised diet, but I do try to watch how much and what I eat. At first, I had thought I would eventually do Weight Watchers just to help me maintain my weight. I am 2 yrs out now and have not felt I need to do that yet. I try to never overstuff my pouch, limit alcohol and junk food to a bare minimum, and keep my protein intake up. I no longer use protein shakes, as my doc feels getting protein from regular diet is better. An occasional treat or drink is not going to sabotoge you forever, it what your main routine is that counts. Let your pouch work for you and make sure you get your protein. One day it seems I can eat very little, another day a surprisingly large amount. My doc says focus on what your hunger/satisfaction is and get good protein at every meal.
   — Janet R.

September 9, 2009
I am 7 mos. out and can eat what I want. I choose to not eat any sugar but what is in the food I already eat. I try to eat protien first at my meals,lots of greens veggies and as much fruit as I can tollerate. Everyone is different. I choose not to drink but that does not mean that I wont ever have a glass of wine on a special occasion. I think being able to read others experiences and journies taken is an awesome thing but you have to remember that we are all different and have our own path. So don't be scared about what you read, just take the good/bad whatever from it and follow your own path. I wish you the best and can tell you this surgery has changed my life and I would do it agian in a minute. Good luck and God Bless :0)
   — sse032568

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