I feel I'm doing something wrong

I'm so upset I feel I made a big mistake having this surgery, and I'm just going to gain my weight back. I have lost 35 pounds and this morning I gained 2 pounds back. I have been doing everything right. Unless I'm not getting enough protein in, and that can be my problem. The shakes make me sick. I found a good tasteing protin bult. I just don't have money to go out and get a box right now. This never fails I start to lose and gain. I'm so upset and hurt because I have worked hard these past 7 months and now that I have had the surgery I'm gaining weight. Please forgive me but this sucks to come all this way and fail. It's the story of my life. I don't think there's much anyone could say to make me feel better, but if anyone ever felt this way or has delt with this What did you do? How long did it take to see weight loss? I know we are all diffrent, but I just think this might of been a waste of my time. Sorry to be so negative because most of the time I'm happy, but not today.    — theresa.lampkin (posted on July 17, 2009)

July 17, 2009
Hi Theresa, Having the RNY was the best choice you ever made. The weight gain of two pounds is probably just water retention. I usually bounce between 2-5 lbs. Try the protein bullets they have a lot of protein in them. You won't gain weight if just follow the plan, protein, veggies, the carbs. But make sure you are getting some form of excercise. You will plateau for awhile once your body catches up and change what you are eating. I am sorry you feel you wasted your time having this surgery. I always tell people, I am so glad I had the RNY 3.5 yrs.ago. I did however ask my husband in the beginning why I had it done. And he mad me laugh, he said because you are fat. I said oh yeah. laughing. It just brought back to reality why I had the surgery done. No one said it is going to be easy. Don't stress over gaining two pounds. You are doing great, so just keep up the good work. It will be okay. Remember why you had the surgery in the first place. Whey protein in choc, straw, van, is very good. It comes in a huge tub and you could blend fruit in it, just make sure the fruit doesn't have a lot of natual sugar in it. Hope this does make you feel just a wee bit better. take care and cheer up. Just remember, you didn't gain the weight overnight so you won't loose it overnight.
   — Kristy

July 17, 2009
Theresa, 2lbs is nothing. It's water weight. Remember we're females and have to deal with the hormone monster. Because of the that, our body is "HaHa" to us. Pardon me for what I'm about to say,but when Mother Nature comes, you'll piss it away.
   — Kathleen W.

July 17, 2009
DONT GIVE UP...... I real admire you for do the surgery, that it self is a life her working on getting it done threw my insurence.and when we get to time of the month we gain weight , so if you gained 2 pounds its not a problem just find out what r u doing roung and fix it... if you make it ezzzy it will be ezzzy. loool . p.s. give your self some props you deserve to be proud of your self sweet.
   — sunrise78

July 18, 2009
Keep your chin up honey. You made the right choice. Just remember, NO CARBS AT ALL EXCEPT FROM VEGETABLES. You shouldn't have any carbs until you are at your goal weight unless you get those carbs from good vegetables. Ask yourself: Are you getting enough protein and water? Make sure you are getting between 80 and 100 grams of protein each day, sweetie. Plus, lots and lots of water. You CAN do this. You WILL succeed. Think positive thoughts. Big hugs to you.
   — Elizabeth_Ann

July 18, 2009
I feel your pain! I had wls this past April and have only lost 20 lbs. To add insult to injury, I am now only losing 2 lbs per month. I don't have a problem with 2 lbs per month but what I'm really afraid of is that the weight loss will come to a halt. I can't help but compare my dismal weight loss to others. The majority of wls patients lose plenty of weight the first year. I am still struggling and my calorie intake is minimal.
   — Kathy M.

July 19, 2009
This is an emotional journey. You change your life forever and wonder if it is worth the pain. It is but it takes time. Weight will fluctuate don't let it stress you. If you are short on money for the protein, can yo drink milk? Milk is a good protein source, soy milk if you prefer. Nuts also work very well and are not expensive. Start reading the labels and finding real sources of food that you can buy. It is much cheaper then all the protien powders and my body likes it better. A small bag of peanuts is 50 cents and 14 grams of protien. 8 oz of molk is 10 oz protien. Cottage cheese is another high protien source and also beans. I like refried beans with cheese and sour cream ( both additional protien sources. You can do it.
   — trible

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