
Does anybody take the once-a-month medication for osteoperosis called 'Boniva'? I've been diagnosed with osteopenia which is the precursor to osteoperosis. I'm not skipping the calcium anymore as I had a habit of doing. I'm on vitalady's liquid calcium and Osteo-Enhance to try and repair what I've done. My family doc prescribed Boniva and I wondered if it is safe for our pouch. Thanks.    — jazzinco (posted on June 20, 2006)

June 20, 2006
Hi Vicki, I have no medical reasoning behind my answer; but my first thought on this is that NO Boniva would not be good for your pouch. I entertained the thought of going on it as a precaution... Don't wanna lose any bone mass!) But just the warnings themselves that they have for 'normies' for that drug and others that do the same is enough for me to wonder what it could do to our altered tummies. Anything that is powerful enough to only have to take once per month, has got to be pretty potent. RnYers shouldn't take NSAIDS because they could tear up your tummy, and normies should only take NSAIDS with food to lessen the damage/tummy upset... I can only imagine what a once a month bill like that could do. Again, my opinion is totally from my own thinking. Best thing for you to do? Ask your surgeon. Look into Boniva at their online site, maybe you can glean some more information from there. I know that though my PCP is very kind, and tries her best, we really do have to be our own patient advocate, and look out for ourselves. We know our bodies best. Good luck to you, I hope you find your answer! And I also hope you get your calcium/bone issues in order! (((Hugs))) ~AmandaLeigh in Akron (Ohio)~ DS: 09/22/2005
   — AmandaLeigh =)

June 21, 2006
It doesn't seem to me that there would be any reason not to use boniva. The only potential adverse reactions are if it splashes up into the esophagus (not likely with a gastric bypass). If that doesn't happen, there really isn't any other significant side effect. Ask your surgeon. Don't make an important decision like that based on this forum.
   — JoeysMom

June 21, 2006
No it is not safe. I too have been diagnosed with osteopenia from a dexascan and was initially actonel then boniva. Both meds have the instruction to stay upright for at least 30 min, to report any digestive irritation, heart burn etc. I did check with my surgeon, Dr Overcash who stated no. It was NOT to be taken by roux-n-y patients because of the potential problems it can cause with the pouch. My personal physician has since put me on Evista instead.
   — wolfskimba

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