I never feel full, will I after gastric bypass?

I think my full button is broken...I can eat and eat and eat and never feel full. I am considering gastric bypass. I am afraid it wont work for me.    — Maria612 (posted on September 17, 2009)

September 17, 2009
let me tell you girlfriend. I did the gastric bypass and I feel full. Not at first when you are on liquids but when you introduce your new pouch to soft foods or creamy soups, oh and then solids. You know when to stop. You will either throw up or feel sick, like you ate too much at Thanksgiving. Not a good feeling. If I eat too much, I don't want to smell food, see food or even see someone eating. I fell yucky. After I got this procedure done. I've noticed just how much people eat and I can't believe what we are doing to ourselves. Good luck on your decision.
   — Dori M.

September 17, 2009
I am nine months post RNY and I am only just now beginning to feel hunger pains again. I really encourage you to have the surgery. Like many others, my only regret is that I couldn't have gotten it sooner. Get yourself to a seminar and have a little faith! It will work. Of course, you have to also start taking some responsibility for what you put in your mouth, too. It is possible to sabotage your weight loss by eating "slider" foods like ice cream, etc. Depending on your health status, you'll also need to start exercising as soon as you are able to. That is what really propels the weight loss and makes you feel great. Good luck to you. And remember....get to that seminar...NOW! lol
   — PaulaJ

September 17, 2009
Dear Paula, I went to 2 seminars....1 for the lapband and sleeve, and one for the bypass. I am leaning toward the bypass. I am waiting for the drs office to get back to me regarding my insurance. I am though, concerned that nothing will help me. I have failed at every attempt, and dont want to be a failure once again. I am excited at the prospect that there is something that might possibly work for me (bypass) thanks for your feedback, maria
   — Maria612

September 17, 2009
Belive me, you will feel full!!! Go for the bypass, you won't regret it.
   — lieutenant-ed

September 17, 2009
I had the bypass 4 weeks ago, when I was first on liquids I didn't feel full and thought that that the surgery didn't work. BUT, then when I started adding soft foods like mashed potatoes or cottage cheese...i felt full. 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes and i was in agony and would end up getting sick. I'm still learning how much my new stomach can tolerate and to recognize the full feeling. Go for the bypass, it was the best decision I ever made, you won't regret it
   — grasstango

September 17, 2009
Yes, you will.....surely, suddenly,wonderfully! All the answers posted so far are right on the target, of course, since they have experienced the bypass. I, too, had RNY 4 weeks ago. Knowing how much to eat is a learning curve, but you will learn. Your wondefully created body will never again allow you to "eat and eat and eat". Go for it,girl; you won't regret it!
   — Marilyn Schurman

September 18, 2009
I'm 6 weeks out. At first I was never hungry, really had to force myself to get in my protein, which is about all the "food" I was getting. Now my doc wants me to get in about a 1000 calories a day, which is fine, but when your only eating 4 ozs a meal, and believe me that will fill you up, it means eating several meals a day. I can tolerate just about anything food wise, never had a dumping issue, but I really know when I'm full, and that full feeling can be a bit uncomfortable.
   — Joseph Johnson

September 18, 2009
YES! You will definitely eat less, much, much less, and be full! The most difficult part for me is relearning how to eat. I have had problems with dumping, which happens when you try to eat too much. It is just a matter of relearning something that I have been doing all of my life. It is definitely worth it! Nutrition class is awesome and very informative. I am now at two plus weeks post op, and I am learning to eat very small portions and wait between bites for that full feeling. When your stomach tells you it's full, it aint just whistlin' Dixie, believe me! I am so happy that I had RNY! Oh, and I am now down 44 pounds, 36 pre op! YAY! God bless you! Maureen
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 18, 2009
OMG, I couldn't believe it, two days after surgery... I still wasn't hungry... almost six months later and I'm still without hunger. This was the best thing I have ever done for me. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Not that this surgery is for everyone, it is by no means an easy fix, but a tool to help you achieve your goals. Good luck with your decision.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 18, 2009
At 11 months out from my GB, I still rarely feel true hunger. If I'm late eating dinner I can sometimes tell and that is probably the time I eat the most, but it still is well under a cup of food. In the morning I have no appetite and feel full after 1/2 of a protein bar sometimes, which is a total change from the way I was before. Used to love big breakfasts and wake up starving. Between the tiny tummy and pushing liquids, that is a thing of the past for me.
   — snickersblk

September 23, 2009
After GB, "IF" you feel full, you have eaten too much...The hardest part for me was to stop looking for that "full feeling". I felt no hunger for about 2 years...I was constantly mourning the loss of that feeling. I wanted that very satisfying fullness that matched what my eyes could see me eating...Eating two tablespoons of pureed "something or other" just didn't seem to satisfy my head as well as it did my belly...But if I over ate just a nibble...the pain was horrible...It takes some getting used to...You will have to give up "feeling full"...I am almost 6 years out and I can feel fullness without pain now...Still, I avoid it and eat til satisfied, which is STILL a hard habit to break and one that I can't seem to "want" to let go of easily...Just my experience
   — .Anita R.

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