
Does dumping last a lifetime or does it go away eventually?    — Ruth M. (posted on January 24, 2009)

January 24, 2009
Not all get get dumping...No one can predict who will or will not get it...Either way you should not eat more than a few grams of sugar per meal...Some things, most things other than meat have a little natural sugar, and that is the only kind you really should eat any of at all. Milk and cheeses have sugar in the form of lactose...So you'll never find a completely sugar free yogurt...or milk...and some veggies have traces of starch or sugar (which acts the same as sugar) as well as fruits of course...So there is no way to know if you will have dumping at all. I am 5 years and I dump less now than newly post op...but I still dump if I over eat carbs and/or sugar...So I don't go there! It's awful! I don't vomit...I just lay in fetal postion in pain for up to 2 hours. For me, It can happen with fats or sugar or artifical sugars (sugar alcohol), lactose or whey, over eating simple carbs and then eating something sweet like cherries or pineapple too soon after a meal...So sugars add up and hit me either sooner or later...I am glad to had dumping as it has kept me cautious many times when I have thought twice about eating something I know I shouldn't! I just look at choclate cake and to myself say "think of the pain"...It's so easy to walk away! So if you do dump...consider it a gift and allow it to work for you rather than against you...
   — .Anita R.

January 24, 2009
   — deb44m

January 25, 2009
4 years post op.........still dumping. Consuming too much sugar, too much fat or eating too fast will cause me to dump. I guess that's why I am able to keep my weight down.
   — smparker2

January 25, 2009
Ruth, You have many questions which is natural. After all you are making a life changing decision. As for the dumping I do believe it depends on the type of surgery you have. I'm dumping on occasion some 21 years later. Anyway, it does as other people posting here have told you depend largely on what you eat. I feel fortunate that I can eat a fairly significant diet now. I use a lot of fiber though. And you will find out what works for you as you go along. It really is trial and error sometimes. And it is possible to become a size 6 if that is what you want to be. Remember along with the surgery and diet you should also begin an exercise program even if it is only a walk with your pet or your spouse. Even a short walk. We always have choices but what works for me may not work for you. Tailor make a new Ruth and you will be fine. Any real problems or concerns especially medically I would refer you to your docs or nutritionist or dietician. I hope this helps some. Good Luck and God Bless you on your journey, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 25, 2009
Same here I'm 3 years out and still dumping, too much sugar, too much fat or eating too fast will cause me to dump also. I was 5'7 315 lost down to 145 lbs and now weight 170 and Vitamin D too low, Take all your Vitamins and see your Dr.
   — RitaNichols

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