Is there an alternative to surgery

I am almost 5 years post op, and have been interested in having my thighs, butt, stomach, breast and flabby arms tighten or lose skin removed. Is there anyother way to have this done without surgery. If not does anyone know a doctor in Philadelphia PA. that would do all of this in one or two procedures and how long would it take. I will be 50 Years Old this year and I look great now but I would like to look better naked. BAC    — barbara C. (posted on January 15, 2008)

January 15, 2008
I agree with you!!! LOL! I am also almost 5 years post op. In August I had a tummy tuck, lipo on my hips and new boobies. I had to have plastic sugery. They removed 6 pounds of skin from my stomach. I am not sure if there is any other way to get rid of the extra skin. I am 39 years old.
   — Carlyn M.

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