Do you think it is ok to take Zantrex 3 over 5 months post op?

   — Iris W. (posted on June 25, 2007)

June 25, 2007
ask your doctor
   — miss-350

June 25, 2007
Hi Iris, you should be fine. I went back on all my meds (8 of them) for bi-polar at 2 months. Some I had to crush and mix with applesauce. Best of Luck!!! Mickey..........
   — MCraig3

June 25, 2007
That is the over the counter weight loss pill isn't it? First what surgery did you have? RNY? Why would you want to take that if you are just 5 months post op. Also if you have high blood pressure you should not but the best thing is ask your doctor but you need to follow the program the doctor put you on when you had your surgery. You did not put this weight on in 5 months it will longer than 5 months to get it off. Do not go over board with pills etc, the surgery will work BUT you must work the surgery. GO see a dietition maybe just a minor change will help or bump up your exercise. It is not in your best interest to go overboard and end up malnurished. It is normal to plato at times just keep doing what you are supposed to and it will start up again I dropped 50 pds bang then stalled for 2 months then bang another 20-30 then stalled again. IT IS NORMAL!
   — DonnaB.

June 25, 2007
I second that if you had RNY surgery why would you need to take diet pills?? That just is concerning to me that you would have surgery and then take diet pills. Having surgery is a life changing thing; you can't eat how you used to.
   — Julie H.

June 25, 2007
Dear Iris I am a Scrub nurse in surgery and also a RNY patient due for surgery in Aug. I also have a girlfriend who had WLS 7 yrs ago and made the mistake of taking a similar diet supplement in the past (in fact about 4-5 yrs ago.) At the present time she is still recovering and had to move home with her mom to help her recover. She took the medication and collapsed at work , when she was rushed to the hospital she went into cardiac arrest twice on the way to the hospital. When she got there she began to have seizures. She even had one at home and fell causing her to have to have 2 shoulder surgeries for broken shoulder and has lost all mobility in that joint. To this day she only recently passed the 1 year mark for being without a seizure and is currently trying to get a job and got her first apartment to live on her own. She is part of my support group as one of my closest friends and she will be the first to tell you to please stay from any of those medications. You wonder how young someone has to be to do something so obviously unintelligent in hindsight.... she is 38. Please don't follow in her footsteps. Just relax and don't be in a hurry ---It will happen, you will be in those smaller sizes soon enough. Your friend Lisa
   — hollowaylm

June 26, 2007
Hi Iris, and thanks for writing. I googled the Zantrex 3 on line and it is a diet pill. I didn't think it was. Iris, I also read your profile page and copied a segment to this response. I want you to read what you wrote when you were 2 months out. You don't need a quick fix, you are losing great and I personally think that you are gonna hurt yourself physically by trying an over the counter diet pill. You can do this, it is the fight of your life, but you can do this, please fight to do it, don't take another medication that may actually hurt you or your pouch. You have a great tool, and if you do the program of water, exercise and protein, then you will lose the weight. You have lost almost 80 pounds according to your my space blog, girl you are doing better than most. Don't mess it up with drugs. It sounds like to me, as I read your blog and your information that you are struggling with who you are. You are 27 Iris, and you are beautiful. Before you had surgery and now. Don't be fooled it you weren't beautiful then, honey you won't be beautiful at any weight. Weight loss does not make us beautiful. Who we are makes us beautiful. I was beautiful at 242 pounds, and I desired, with all my heart to be the generous and giving person that I was then after surgery. Surgery can change who you are mentally and physically. You have to fight for the good changes, and fight not to go off the deep end because people finally pay positive attention to you, or don't look at you with contempt. Iris, you are who you were, just healthy and striving for better health. Remain who you are. God created you to seek Him. Weight loss has been such a blessing to me, and I have so appreciated it, but it drew me closer to my Lord, more confident in my heart and life, and even more devoted to my family. I wish you well, and my vote is no for Zantrex. You are doing just fine. Patricia P. I have learned so much in the 2 months since I have had surgery. I have lost about 44lbs and continue to lose, on average, about 4lbs per week. I thought I would lose faster after surgery, but I am satisfied just to be losing. I finally comprehend that this is a lifestyle change and by no means a quick fix. I am constantly researching what I should be eating so that I can make the healthiest choices. I eat very small meals about 4 times a day, drink a TON of water, and I try to exercise for at least 45min at least 5-6 days a week. No longer are any of these things a chore or a diet, nor am I miserable because I can't eat fries, chips, chocolate, burgers, and all the other junk food that I thought I enjoyed. I have come to see how much better the human body will feel and perform when you give it the nourishment that it deserves. For anyone who may read this and is thinking about the surgery, I would ask that you remember two very important things--1--it is not a quick fix and 2--you have to be ready to commit yourself to getting healthy. If you are not able to do both of these things for the rest of your life, the surgery is not an option for you. As my surgeon said numerous times, he has equipped me with a "tool" and it is up to me how I use it. I have chosen to stay in it for the long haul and reach my goal weight of 135lbs. I have chosen to use it for it's intended purpose and that is for me to get healthy and stay healthy!
   — Patricia P

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