Experience from those on Effexor XR long term post op

I just started Effexor XR, my Prozac after 4 years has lost it's "boost". I am 4 1/2 years post op. I have only been on it a week, beginning at 37.5 mg. My surgeon and pharmacist both indicated that I should not have any problem with XR. Does anyone have any experience with being on Effexor XR for a few years post op without it causing increased apetite or difficulty with absorbtion. Any other information is really welcome. Thanks so much.    — Karen Renee (posted on February 17, 2006)

February 17, 2006
Im on effexor 75mg for 2 monts now so i can give the long term effects.I was worried about not being able to swollow them whole with a fill, but it hasnt been a dosnt increase your appetiet according to my doc, thats why he chose it. All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

February 17, 2006
I have been on Effexor Xr 150 and having taking it since surgery. NO problems at all. Good luck
   — Pattiann

February 18, 2006
I haven't had wls but I used to take Effexor XR. I don't recall it having any affect on my appetite. The one thing I did notice about Effexor is that I could *really* tell if I missed a dose. I'd feel awful and sick. Coming off of it was slow as I had to taper down before I quit (similar to the tapering up when you start taking it). Overall, I thought it was a good med with few side effects. Just make sure you don't miss any doses. :) Good luck, Sid
   — mrsidknee

February 18, 2006
I have been on Effexor XR 300mg for about 4 yrs pre-op and am still taking it at 8 month post-op. I have never had any trouble with it other then it keeping my mental health in check. I do understand that once you have been on Effexor XR for a long time that you have to get off of it very slowly, under a doctors control, as the withdrawls are not plesent. But it is a very good medication. ~Karyn~
   — Karyn K.

February 18, 2006
I've been on effexor for about 4 years, 1 month post op now, the only side effects I've suffered is when you stop taking it, extreme dizziness
   — JOHN B.

February 18, 2006
I've been on effexor for about 4 years, 1 month post op now, the only side effects I've suffered is when you stop taking it, extreme dizziness
   — JOHN B.

February 19, 2006
I haven't had the surgery yet, but I've been on Effexor XR since August '05. I haven't had the side effects like I had with other meds. The only thing I've noticed is if I forget to take one at my scheduled time I can tell my tongue goes numb and feels like it's swelling even though it's not. Effexor XR has really helped me.
   — mrsk

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