I had the Mini Gastric Bypass(MGB) back in 2003 and joined this forum to explore.

I have notice that most of the people on this forum have had the RNY.. could someone please tell me why you drink so much water.. are you required to drink a lot of water or are you able to subsitute with juices, gatorade/proel??? Thanks in advanc, DS    — ds (posted on December 9, 2005)

December 9, 2005
Hi! I also had the MGB in 2000. Since I have left the "clique", I have learned so much about what I am supposed to be doing. Hydration is extremely important since we do not absorb like regular people do. Gatorade has alot of sugar, however, it is good for the sodium because we don't, again, retain the fluids in our body like we should. I, myself, can't stand Gatorade. So I tend to stay with water. Another important thing I learned, too late, of course, is do not drink while you eat. Think about it. Our tummy is so small that if you fill it with fluids while you eat, how much nutrition are we really going to get from our food? Stay with this group. You will learn so much!! Great to have you aboard!! huggzz
   — shoutjoy

December 9, 2005
thanks Paula.. I appreciate that very much!!! Back in 2003 I was told by Dr. H. and a few of the "old-timers" never drink while your eating and that is one rule I try very hard to follow. It basically just pushes the food out before nutrietunal value. But lately, I have found that I am drinking while I eat.. and not only that but I find myself "craving" sugar/junk food.. don't want to go down that path again.. thoughts/comments about the sugar cravings?? I have gained 5lbs since the beginning of nov. which, in turn, I don't think that's a lot and I can accept that.. but I don't want to continue to each sugary stuff.. I am burnt out on the gatorade but I substitute propel for the value of gatorade!! Talk to you soon.. DS
   — ds

December 9, 2005
Dr. requirement of water for me was minimum 64 oz. I can do 120 oz a day of a mix of water and Fruit 2O. I could do fruit juices but do I want to go back that route? I believe they helped put the weight on....I always drank alot of them. Sometimes I could drink 64 oz in soda and juice in one day and never think about the calories. I am not getting anything from juice that I really need so I don't do it much anymore. Now its like a treat.
   — dcox94

December 9, 2005
The idea is that we need the fluids. Most people do water as it has no calories in it. can drink anything you want. Be aware of sugar in gatorade, propel, juices etc. There are a lot of people who drink Crystal can drink tea (herbal if you're concerned about the caffeine) or other caffeine-free beverages. If you are not having problems with dehydration, then whatever you're doing is obviously working. The reason we stress water/fluids so much is that it's easy for us to get dehydrated now since we have such small stomachs and can't just chug the fluids when we get thirsty any more. Carmen
   — kccjer

December 10, 2005
Supplements are a better way to get you vitamins and minerals than fruit juices, gatorade, etc. Those beverages give you a lot of unneccessary sugars that in turn increase your appetite by hiking your insulin levels. Hydration is critical. You should drink about 2 quarts/day. So water, fresh squeezed lemonade with artificial sweeteners, or even highly diluted juice are better alternatives.
   — aferda

December 10, 2005
I stick to sugar free or limited calorie liquids (all count everything -what I mix protein in, etc. as liquid). There is anothe reason to drink lots of fluids. WHen you are losing weight you are breaking down lots of fats and proteins and you need to flush thos by-products out of yor system. High protein diets and fal break down lead to the risk of kidney stones. The increased water also facilitates weight loss. Best Wishes for your continued success. Valerie
   — *Ladybug *.

December 11, 2005
WE have to have at least 64 ounces a day of liquids, which can be juice, decaf coffee, or decaf tea, aas well as other beverages. Since I cannot drink juice because of the sugar, I drink mostly water. We are not supposed to drink carbonated beverages. We need to keep hydrated and keep our systems going, as well as feel full from the liquids.
   — Novashannon

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