Head Hunger

Would drinking water help head hunger?    — Pilar12 (posted on June 24, 2010)

June 24, 2010
I was just sitting here thinking the exact same thing. I heard that if you wait a while before grabbing something to eat and perhaps drinking water FIRST, you may find out that you weren't REALLY hungry after all and it was just "head hunger." After you drink some water, if you find you're still hungry, then you should eat a light meal or a fat-free snack. Water works because it fills your stomach and gives you that full sensation. Hope this helps some....
   — whattalady

June 26, 2010
Instead of just drinking wqter have a special k protein water or mix some unjury protein with crystal light. Your "head" hunger maybe your body telling you you are lacking something and you do need to feed it something!
   — lynnredboy

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