I feel hungry

i feel hungry and my surgery was 5 weeks ago how often should i eat    — rks106403 (posted on February 18, 2009)

February 18, 2009
Your surgeon should have offered you extensive post op instructions about what/when you should eat. You should also be attending some sort of post op group where you can discuss your concerns and get ideas from others who are in your area. At 5 weeks, I was eating about 1/2 c of pureed food or very soft food every 5 hours or so. Do not drink a large quantity of liquid at a time, but sip it slowly through a straw. Try drinking hot liquids as they can make you feel full. DO NOT DRINK SODA! Concentrate on getting your protein in as this should also make you feel full.
   — Melanie E.

February 19, 2009
I'm 7 wks post op. At 4 - 8 wks post op I'm eating 1 1/2 to 2 oz. of which 1 oz is protein (3 times of day). Then I also drink 2 protein drinks each day totaling 40 oz of protein. Drink 60 oz. of liquid a day(this includes protein drinks). The protein drinks help to keep me feeling full. Eat very slow. Try to make a meal last 20 to 30 minutes. I hope this is helpful.
   — Tecia

February 19, 2009
You should try to stay on the three meals two snacks a day. Even if the meal is a small portion. Try to keep them spaced about the same time so that you don't get so hungry you overeat which will only cause you to puke. Check with your NUT (nutritionist) on the diet plan laid out for your recovery. You can also do a search on post-op diets so you can see what others are doing. Good Luck.
   — Corina C

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