protien drinks

I keep reading about protien drinks I just had rny on 10-08-08 I don't do protien drinks. My doc and nutricionist never told me to do them so why is everyone else doing them. My doc said absolutley no protien drinks just food. And I know other people who have had this through the same docs and they are told the same thing. And I am having no problems holding down food or getting sick    — hlt1960 (posted on October 17, 2008)

October 16, 2008
I think I'd be asking the doc and nutritionist WHY. You should get at least 60 gm of protein a day. How the heck are you supposed to do that right out of the gate without protein shakes. I'm almost a year out and still have one shake each day. When I was as far out as you are, I was still on liquids to give everything a chance to heal. Are you able to get that much protein right away? And 60 oz of fluids? If so, then I guess you're ok, but it's not something I would have been able to do.
   — Shirley D.

October 16, 2008
it is a proven fact that after you reduce the size of your stomack, to the extent that it has been shrunk, there is no possible way to receive enough of the nutrients for a healthy lifestyle with eating just food. that is why 99.9% of all bariatric doctors recomend protein drinks. they are high in many of the nutrients that you need for a healthy lifestyle and disolve in smaller amounts of water. maybe your doctor has you on some kind of supplementary liquid drops or something? either way, studies have shown that after these kind of surgeries those who do not get the proper amount of protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients reduce their life span as well. you need the supplementation.
   — MNI

October 17, 2008
Sounds like you need to query everything this surgeon or nutrionist says. This is not very good data from them. It's impossible to get enough protein from foods, either with lapband or RNY in the first few months as a post op. Limited food intake means you won't get enough protein in your diet. Not enough protein, and that means as you lose wt, you'll lose a lot of muscle mass. Fatigue is a common byproduct of RNY, so this will only increase with minimal protein levels. You'll need about 60 grams or more of protein daily. With a limited diet, smaller amounts of foods, potential nausea, etc.--your eating will be diminshed, and so will your protein levels. BAD advice. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

October 17, 2008
OMG my fear is not getting enough protien. i went two weeks without it, and was scared to death. they say you can even loose some of your hair without it. it effects your nails and most of all you energy levels. our docs pushed protien from the very beginning. you really should ask. i take ISOPURE it is a liquid drink. you can get it on line or at GNC. 40 grams
   — peggy R.

October 17, 2008
You're only 9 days post-op and when I was at that stage I was on a strictly liquid diet so my pouch would have a chance to heal. I would make a protein shake every day and still do now that I'm about 11 weeks post-op. I would definitely ask your doc and nut to clarify this as it seems odd to me that at the stage you are in that you are attempting to get in all your protein through food. I use Isopure Zero Carb Protein powder (50 grams) and Isopure liquid drinks (40 grams).
   — dnefews

October 17, 2008
I havne't had the surgery yet, but when I attended the nutrition class they couldn't stress enough how important the protien was.
   — KTsGMA

October 18, 2008
My Doctor and staff encourage getting the protein from food intake as opposed to "drinking your calories". I think it really is just a matter of preference. As long as you track how much protein you are getting and it is the required amount, it shouldnt matter how you get it. The important thing is getting it.
   — trcama

October 18, 2008
There are a lot of surgeons and practices that do not allow protein drinks. Mine is one of them. It is very possible to get your protein in from food, but you have to focus on high protein foods. I am a year out and never did protein drinks, and have lost 130lbs, I had no problems and my annuals blood work was great. I know that for the first couple of weeks i might have been low on protein but I was able to get 60 g of protein from food by 2 months at the latest. I know my surgeon discourages drinking your calories because food particularily high protien food keeps you full longer. Follow your surgeon and nutritionist plan and you will do fine. Amy
   — Radgalut

October 21, 2008
I am 4 years out and I have never done protein shakes, I lost 130 lbs. I have been a size 4 since the first year. People who do protein shakes are the ones who usually gain a lot of there weight back further out. My Doctor told me to eat real food. The more i could eat the faster the weight came off.
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

October 26, 2008
I am almost 6yrs. post-op. I lost approximately 200lbs. My doctor said the same thing. I ended up drinking 1-2 protein drinks a days since I could not eat enough protein (you should have seen the huge bottle of protein powder I had)! Right now I continue to have some problems with eating, and continue to drink a shake now and then. Good luck!!
   — Jane65

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