how close to goal to have tummy tuck

i am 30-40# from goal, 6' tall, size 16-18. How close to goal should i be to consult plastic surgeon? How close to goal to have successful tummy tuck??    — shalmar (posted on December 27, 2007)

December 27, 2007
Most surgeons and and plastic surgeons do not want plastic surgery done prior to agout 2 years post op. This is to make sure your wieght is stabilized, and your health is good to withstand another major surgery. From patients I've seen at multiple support meetings, they tell me the plastic surgery is far more painful than the original surgery.
   — Dave Chambers

December 27, 2007
We were told at least 1 year after goal. Some say it is more painful but most have said it was worth it to have the surgery. I am saving my money as I don't think my insurance will pay for Plastic surgery for me. I most probably will need a tummy tuck and my upper arms. I would also like to have something done with my breast but that is not really a necessity since I am 54 and nature has to be allowed to do its thing.
   — cleofet

December 27, 2007
Your surgeon is the best person to ask this question of. S/he will let you know when you are ready. That said, most surgeons want you within about 20 pounds of your goal weight prior to having the tummy tuck. For myself, I actually waited several years before taking the tummy tuck plunge. Mostly for financial reasons - I wanted the first loan paid off before I took out another one. :) The tummy tuck is much more painful than the original surgery. You need the full six weeks for recovery. And even then, you will not be back at full-speed. I am just now (eight months later) getting back to my yoga schedule. Walking was happening much sooner, but the stretching in yoga was a no go for a long time. And with that said, it as sooooooo worth it! I love my tight tummy and the way I look in clothes now. Good luck! Vicki
   — VickiStevens

December 27, 2007
Like the others have said, most surgeons will not touch you until you have reached goal and maintained that weight for several months. I am 6', size 14/16 and been at goal for about 4 months and maintaining. I go for plastic surgery consultation on 01/16/08 but no idea how soon they will allow surgery. Good Luck and Congrats on the weight loss!
   — Lost4Ever

December 27, 2007
I'm only 11 months out, and I was told by the bariatric clinics plastic surgeon that I'm fine to have one, but I'm only like 10-15 lbs away from my goal weight....I dont think its "time" that matters, so much as how much more weight you have to lose. You don't want to get a tummy tuck, then lose 40 more lbs and be back to square one.
   — wecangetright

December 28, 2007
Good for you Shalmar for losing over 200 pounds! Wow have you done great. You may have a terrible time losing some of the 30/40 pounds you have left because of skin. I am a size 4/6, but weight 135. I think if all my skin issues resolved, I would weight about 120 pounds. You have to factor that into your weight, or it can drive you crazy. Having said that, I think you have been patient and done your best for about 18 months, and seeing a plastic surgeon right now is a good idea. It is not too soon. Your BMI is great, but I am surprised that you are a size 16/18 when your bmi is 27. To me that says you have larger bone structure, and would again advise being careful to not play a numbers game. I did have a tt at about 18 months out, was glad I did, but wow was it a big recovery. I don't have any desire to do anything else, but I am glad the tummy skin is gone. I still love my flat tummy (my tummy was NEVER flat). I wish you well, and congrats on your hard work paying off! You go girl! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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