Breastfeeding after Lap RNY ?

My son is four years old today, 11/22/07. I am scheduled for a lap RNY on 11/30/07. I would like to continue breastfeeding upon return from the hospital. He nurses out of routine and not for nurishment, he eats solids of all types. Any advice from someone experianced in such matters?    — drewberly (posted on November 22, 2007)

November 22, 2007
Hi Kimberly...I am an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and would be happy to answer your question. There is no reason you could not continue to meet your son's need to continue to nurse after your surgery. I imagine he's only at breast for a matter of a few minutes a day and as you said he is not dependant on the nourishment at this point. I applaud you for being such an attentive mother who has continued to recognize your son's need to nurse. Keep up the good work and best of luck with your surgery. ~Susan
   — HoosierDoula

November 22, 2007
To be honest with you, I had my RNY 4 years ago. You will be very tired and barely getting enough nutrition for yourself let alone another. From my personal experience, it maybe extremely taxing on your body to try to produce milk. On the plus side, you have been able to nurse your son for 4 years and eventually it will have to come to an end. I commend you for taking control of your life and getting the surgery. Everything you do with your child from here on out will be so much easier. Giving him a bath to chasing him around. You will be so thrilled with how good you will feel! Take care!
   — Carlyn M.

November 22, 2007
what will you do next year when he rides the bus to kindergarden?
   — johndough

November 22, 2007
Hi I am 2 and a half years post op and just had a baby in August and have been breastfeeding ever since she was born and I have had no problems. My baby is gaining weight fine and is very healthy. I am also having no problems and feel great! Just make sure you take all your vitamins in get in all your nutrition. Let me know if you have anymore questions I will be glad to help. Jeannie
   — jjeanniespets1

November 23, 2007
WHY??????? are you still breastfeeding a 4 yr old.
   — deb44m

November 23, 2007
John & Kim... I read your message to Kim. I thought she was asking about whether she could breast feed after her surgery. I appears from your response that she was asking for your opinion on breastfeeding a 4 years old. If you re-read her question, you'll see she was asking for specific information, not a self rightous or sarcastic response. In otherwords, if you have nothing positive or informative to answer her question, perhaps you could just keep your opinion to yourself.
   — Harry King

November 23, 2007
Sorry, that last message should have been addressed to Brian and Debra, not John and Kim :-)
   — Harry King

November 24, 2007
4 Years Old might think about weaning him. Isn't he about old enough to be going to school?
   — Nurse343

November 27, 2007
I agree with the answer's that you got saying that you are barely able to provide enuff nutrition for youself, let alone your son....why do you think MOST of us lose so much hair during the first 6 months. Also, I was unbearable tired, I STILL to THIS day, 4 years out, don't have the energy I use to have, I mean, I can DO alot more now that I am NOT overweight, but I swear I don't have the energy that I use to have. I have a son who just turned 5, so maybe with the surgery coming up, it would a perfect time to stop the breast feeding....God bless you for your commitment, but I can't IMAGINE breast feeding a 4 year old, my son is in pre-school since he was 2, can write his name, knows the alphabet, speaks a little spanish & I just can't IMAGINE having him ASK me to feed him (he already has a sense that is a "private" part of a woman's body, as well as his "private" parts with us teaching him about "touching" & strangers, etc.), I don't even know how that would work!!! Isn't there a saying that if a child is enuff to ask for the breast, they are too old for it, sorry, I don't mean to bash, honestly, but you see things like this on Maury Povich.......and OF COURSE he eats solid food of all types, HE IS FOUR, babies start eating solid food at about 1 year......
   — heatherb

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