Got Bread?

At what point is it ok to eat bread, cereal, tortillas, etc? I've over a year! Yikes! Is this true?    — Gayelene (posted on March 27, 2007)

March 27, 2007
Well for MAX loss not early on.... Better to wait a bit, but heck I had steak at a month out. Can eat anything, Follow your doctors orders and what you tolerate.
   — bob-haller

March 27, 2007
I dont really think there is a set point as to when you can take in bread etc... the problem is after surgery will your body accept it. Some people i know are 1 or 2 years out and still cant eat bread or rice for example. Sure they try lol but their tummies just wont accept it. However, I can eat rice, but not bread unless it is toasted and no tortillas. Everyone is different. But during this period your supposed to learning to eat healthier anyway lol
   — _blue_

March 27, 2007
Since you are over a year -- you could try it -- in moderation just make sure you get your protein in first because once that bread goes down your pouch will fill up quick.
   — the7thdean

March 27, 2007
I have to agree with most answers here that it is totally up to your own body. I was able to eat most breads, especially crackers and cereals around six weeks. But I have to make sure I chew well with some breads otherwise I create a blockage and I am 6 years out!!! My reaction to bread has been the same since 6 weeks to 6 years...... I had Open RNY, different procedures also have different reactions. Have fun trying your foods.
   — JGDugar

March 28, 2007
I agree with most of what has been said here. I have two concerns. Have you met goal yet and are you getting your protein? Make sure you get that protein in. I am at only 11 weeks out and I already eat very small amounts of rice and bread. Just 1/4 slice of bread for an open sandwich for a meal. Toasted if it is white bread. I tollerate mixed grains well. The breads like health nut are very dense and don't glob up in the pouch like a white bread would. As for rice I eat only a teaspoon or so with my chicken. Sure adds to the flavor especially if it is pilaf or something like that. As for tortillas I can tollerate that too if it is done in quesedea (sp?) fashion. I can have 1/6 of a chicken and cheese quesedea for a meal. I have to prepare it myself in a non stick pan and I use a little lite promise margerine on the tortilla to brown it up. Yum Yum. I hope I have been of some help to you. Moderation is the key here. Don't go crazy trying things. Have something and wait a couple of days to see how it went through your system and then try another. Good Luck and God Bless, Norma
   — njkbutton

March 28, 2007
I can eat crackers, like Wasa Lite and Crisp and All Bran. Whatever I have I make sure it has fiber and no white flour. I tried a whole wheat English muffin (half) and i couldn't tolerate it. My nut. recommended white bread but I don't think it's worth the calories. She said not to have foods that weren't nutritious. We set ourselves up for our old habits if we go back to eating the things that got us in trouble before (like carbs). Rice didn't agree with me either. Our pouches are small and we can't load them up with empty carbs. If you do have them, just eat a small amount. The only cereal I tried is Special K High Protein and a tiny handful is all I can take!
   — Sheri A.

March 28, 2007
Gayelene, congratulations on being so faithful to the plan girl! That is great. I assume you have you have lost a lot of weight. Your profile doesn't say anything for me to go on. The answer to your question is gonna be different depending on who answers. It is better to hold off as long as you can in some respects. You have to watch for clumping in your pouch, and breads also swell, so when you do eat them, wait after a few bites, because fluid can cause them to swell in your pouch making you full quicker. The other side is that whole grain breads and cereals provide important vitamins and minerals. They are not the enemy. I personally, did not have wls to stop eating foods. I had no plan whatsoever in living on protein shakes. God gave me food to eat, and I plan to eat it, well and in moderation. That was always my goal. I get my protein sources from foods, and eat all foods. I am 3 years out, but I began on breads and some cereals (I have a problem eating cereals, so oatmeal is good for me, but most cold cereals don't settle right for me), I began these at about 4 months. Here is how I eat it though. When I wanted rice, it would be a small bite, chewed carefully, then a few bites of protein. This helped prevent clumping or overeating of these types of products. Bread the same way. I would have a quarter sandwich, and that was more than enough, small bites, and chewed carefully. Tortillas can be tricky, as all bread products can, so be careful, but at a year out, you have been brave enough on this level, unless you want to wait longer, but you also need those vitamins and minerals that they provide. A pill will only be absorbed so much. You need real foods, and you have done well. Consider for yourself what is best, and be careful if you move forward, and congratulations on your great will power! You go girl! Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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